Example sentences of "[conj] [noun sg] [vb -s] [pron] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 If the simile or metaphor leaves you feeling exactly the same , if it does n't move you , then you could improve it .
2 If you are anything near upright , the prospect of a face full of boom or sail causes you to lean back which completely spoils the turn .
3 Anderson himself , in scene five , remarks on the fact that language allows him to 'show off a bit " ( p. 63 ) but this comment occurs in the context of his longest turn , which is the most obvious example of him violating the maxim of manner .
4 Children described to the interviewers how they had been referred to the library to find information on Inuits and Eskimos in basic studies , Scott of the Antarctic in history , and Alexander Fleming in science , while one child described how : In RE sometimes Miss asks us to go and find out ( like ) some information and also in literacy ( like ) there are some people who write letters backwards and Miss asks us to go back and see if we could find any .
5 Their wealth of experience in so many areas of materials science and manufacture enables them to advise on almost all aspects of laboratory requirements including the Olympus materials microscope range .
6 The core grows massively dense and gravity causes it to collapse in on itself at 25 per cent the speed of light .
7 ‘ Building operations ’ , for instance , include rebuilding operations , structural alterations of , or additions to , buildings and , somewhat curiously , ‘ other operations normally undertaken by a person carrying on business as a builder ’ ; but maintenance and improvement works which affect only the interior of the building or which do not materially affect the external appearance of the building are specifically excluded .
8 A new born baby can be really quite chubby and these little premature babies have very , very little fat under their skin and fat insulates us does n't it ?
9 But Galley maintains he feels safer in Lothian Road than he does in Glasgow city centre , a point which others reiterate during the evening .
10 When spring comes they break through and emerge as butterflies ( see pages 8–9 ) .
11 As counselling proceeds it does not always continue to be the sympathetic process of listening , support and approval .
12 Used alone they exhibit a specific characteristic known as inverse solubility by which is meant that as temperature increases they drop out of solution contrary to expected behaviour .
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