Example sentences of "[conj] [noun sg] [is] to be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 If a product or service is to be successful in the marketplace , then the organization itself must be designed to meet its conditions .
2 ( 6 ) Where any part of the portfolio or account is to be available for investment in contingent liability transactions ( such as futures ) , the maximum amount or percentage so available .
3 Whatever the applicant 's interest , the more serious the illegality , the more likely that interest is to be sufficient .
4 To say , following Habermas , that cultural modernization is a process of differentiation and autonomization and that postmodernization is a process of de-differentiation and implosion is to be content with a purely descriptive analysis of cultural change .
5 If exchange and completion is to be simultaneous , conditions precedent are often included as a checklist for all parties .
6 This framework must change if action is to be effective .
7 If antiracism is to be effective in education , it is therefore necessary to take a hard and perhaps painful look at the terms under which we have operated so far .
8 But a degree of independence and impartiality will have to be achieved if re-investigation is to be beneficial .
9 if information flow and exchange is to be effective it must be planned
10 If exercise is to be effective it must become as natural to us as breathing , eating , or cleaning our teeth .
11 If education is to be responsive and supportive to all children 's needs then schools must provide two things :
12 The experience of Cherry Willingham School suggests that several key strategies need to be included if LMS is to be successful with support staff .
13 If exclusion is to be permanent , the LEA 's decision on whether to order the pupil 's reinstatement is binding on the head teacher , although the governors may appeal against an LEA 's refusal to reinstate a permanently excluded pupil , using the same machinery which the LEA is required to establish for such appeals by parents ( and pupils if aged 18 or over ) .
14 The importance of diet in this group of patients is that for some diet alone will suffice , while for the rest there must be a good dietary compliance if control is to be optimal at a steady weight whether using oral agents or insulin .
15 The students and her needs must be known to the ward staff if learning is to be effective .
16 And the believer agrees all too easily that he or she must indeed have this sort of proof if belief is to be possible .
17 Pessimistic in the sense that is says people are basically nasty , and if society is to be possible , then nastiness has to be controlled in some way or other , and since human nature is anti-social , social order comes about against the grain of human nature as a rule , has to be imposed on human nature .
18 Having grown up under the nose of the Israeli war machine , young Palestinians have come to the conclusion that , in the world they inhabit , might is right and the only way to survive and flourish is to be strong and violent .
19 Owners naturally forget or feel sorry for the underdog , but experience has shown that dog/owner relations are all important if treatment is to be successful .
20 For example , we have already noted the argument ( and see Chapter 2 below ) that if semantics is to be truth-conditional , then the truth conditions can only be assigned to utterances , not sentences — in other words , contextual specifications are a necessary input to a semantic component , and thus pragmatics is ( at least in this respect ) 16 prior to semantics .
21 The design and layout is to be similar to last year 's calendar .
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