Example sentences of "[conj] [noun sg] [is] [vb pp] by [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Each polygon or zone is identified by its zone identifier ( Znn in Appendix H ) and the number of bounding line segments is given .
2 Every case of sickness or misfortune is claimed by him as a judgement against the upstarts who dare to challenge the legitimacy of his rule .
3 The prediction is indeed borne out ; contrast ( 13 ) and ( 14 ) : ( 13 ) a total one the mere one ( 14 ) a rudimentary one the deciduous one Even when we can not tell what sort of being or object is designated by one in examples like ( 14 ) , they will still be grammatically acceptable unlike the anomalous phrases in ( 13 ) .
4 There is a strand of social theory which says that society is defined by its transgressors , that we know the civilised values that bind us together only through their breach , which we call crime .
5 A good number of fabliaux advise the husband simply to accept his inferiority to his wife and to allow her to continue to keep the passage of the world smooth ; at the end of Le Chevalier a la robe vermeille , " The Knight with the scarlet robe " , a husband who has surprised his wife and made the compromising discovery of her lover 's horse and robe is hoodwinked by her , and the tale concludes : ( But he who keeps to the right path should believe fully , without dispute , everything that his wife tells him . )
6 The onward march of reason and tolerance is led by their ‘ natural ’ standard bearers , the European intelligentsia , and its various allies , who wage an unremitting battle against the irrational prejudices of both masses and traditional elites .
7 That 's very important to understand , for most of the aircraft 's performance and behaviour is governed by its formidable ability to accelerate or decelerate because of the availability of power in large quantities and propeller drag in proportional amounts .
8 It is not worth a mention but for the fact its distribution and promotion is funded by our own dear British Film Institute .
9 In the second place , if reason is defined by its elimination of madness , and if history is a rational concept , the question then follows , how can you write a history of madness ?
10 MARRIAGE may be made in heaven but divorce is determined by your genes , according to scientists .
11 The Association meets regularly on the first Friday of each month , at the RE Centre , when mass is said by our chaplain , Fr.
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