Example sentences of "[conj] [noun sg] [is] [prep] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But you liked those erm were they countryman 's or ploughman 's in a packet and you just throw them into the pan and cook it for about fifteen minutes ?
2 Yet prior to the 1996 riots , major disorder was almost entirely confined to ‘ dispersal prisons ’ — prisons which house prisoners on long sentences and which are not overcrowded or understaffed , where conditions are relatively good , and where security is at a maximum .
3 Between 2000 m and 1600 m above sea-level , vegetation recovery is more rapid but only where erosion is at a minimum and even then it may take between 5 and 8 years after seeding .
4 One of the worst affected areas is at Over , where traffic is at a standstill .
5 Where space is at a premium , bulbs which are given a prominent position can be lifted while still in leaf , labelled and planted elsewhere in the garden .
6 Where space is at a premium the 268S also scores highly because it 's rack mounting and takes up only 3U of space — ideal if your home studio doubles as bedroom/study/broom cupboard .
7 Even the amount of time saved by not having to fiddle with reel-to-reel tapes is noticeable , and in a home environment where space is at a premium it helps with the problem of tape storage .
8 In any case , in any home where space is at a premium , you have to learn to use that space for all it 's worth .
9 Les Negresses put on , above all , a comic performance where timing is at a premium .
10 ‘ 6(1) A person appropriating property belonging to another without meaning the other permanently to lose the thing itself is nevertheless to be regarded as having the intention of permanently depriving the other of it if his intention is to treat the thing as his own to dispose of regardless of the other 's rights ; and a borrowing or lending of it may amount to so treating it if , but only if , the borrowing or lending is for a period and in circumstances making it equivalent to an outright taking or disposal .
11 The concept is explained in s.6(1) : A person appropriating property belonging to another without meaning the other permanently to lose the thing itself is nevertheless to be regarded as having the intention of permanently depriving the other of it if his intention is to treat the thing as his own to dispose of regardless of the other 's rights ; and a borrowing or lending of it may amount to so treating it if , but only if , the borrowing or lending is for a period and in circumstances making it equivalent to an outright taking or disposal .
12 Because the client or tenant is in a state of long-term indebtedness , he owes his patron a ‘ debt of gratitude ’ and should be ready to help the latter on a diffuse , non-contractual basis .
13 And this conception leads inexorably to the view that experience is like a kind of screen , something which could perhaps be painted if only we had the skill and reflective capacity , or something which could be captured by language or music .
14 It has been argued up to now that although word-meaning is in a sense infinitely variable , nonetheless discrete units — ‘ atoms ’ or ‘ quanta ’ of sense — can be identified which at least in some respects are stable across contexts , and which are the appropriate basic units for lexical semantics .
15 But he 's got no , as far as I can see he 's got no convincing argument that democracy will do better , but that does n't matter because he thinks that the decisive criticism of enlightened despotism is that it wo n't improve the moral or intellectual well-being of the citizens , but if people are excluded from political decision making , they will have no incentive to educate themselves or morally improve themselves , or he thinks if they do , if a despot does allow for the moral improvement of the citizens , then citizens will no longer accept despotism so that despotism is in a way self-defeating here and if it one of the proper functions of government it ca n't survive .
16 Mr Kinnock intends to reinforce his conviction that Labour is in a position to win in his keynote speech tomorrow .
17 Although space is at a premium in NOTTINGHAM GRADUATE , we like to find a corner for those who studied at the former University College .
18 This means that odour is at a minimum and brushes can be washed out in water .
19 The metaphor used in ‘ the heavy page/of death , printed by gravestones in the cemetery ’ , works with the ‘ black statement ’ of a few lines previous suggesting that death is like a book which can survive through generations and is read , that is experienced , by all .
20 The dissent in Bolduc & Bird repays study : if consent is to a doctor and student it is not to a doctor and friend .
21 I think it is erm Greater York that has been seen as an area with special problems because of its er historic character , erm which we spent many hours debating at the York greenbelt local plan inquiry , and I think most participants there accepted that the er what was being protected was not just the historic core , but also the setting of York and its surrounding ring of villages , and the way which it is proposed to protect that setting and character is by a greenbelt , now it follows that if you are imposing extremely severe restrictions on new development in an area around a settlement , then you have to meet the legitimate development needs for that settlement in another location , the further away that new settlement or other policy response is located it seems to me the less likely it is to meet the er needs of that settlement , and that will give rise to erm , you know , additional pressures on the settlement you are proposing to protect and maybe those pressures could not be resisted , and I think that 's why there is this requirement that erm the development which might otherwise be built on the edge of York , but which is not proposed to be so built because of the greenbelt needs to be located close , as close to York as is consistent with the original environmental objectives greenbelt objectives for the greenbelt .
22 In certain topographical regions , linear patterns may develop if water is at a premium , as in the chalk valleys , or if factors other than subsistence are important , such as roads or water routes .
23 If space is at a premium it makes sense to grow plants with more than one season of interest .
24 If space is at a premium , you should decide which , if any , plants you wish to grow yourself and then rely on your florist , or generous friends , for all the other varieties .
25 If music is like a language , if it communicates some kind of emotional or spiritual message , then noise is best defined as interference , something which blocks transmission , jams the code , prevents sense being made .
26 So the divorce of sex from reproduction which is erm a very common and even fashionable view in the later twentieth century and of course is one very much facilitated by modern birth control technology and things like that this , this divorce of sex and reproduction is in a way you could say a characteristically male way of looking at things if the male 's er contribution to offspring does n't go much further than the initial fertilization .
27 Fish number are comparatively low , and lighting is by a 42″ domestic tube , on nine hours a day .
28 Visibility on the approach is first class and handling is without a blemish .
29 The new practice will apply to gains arising from an accident insurance policy that affords protection against the risk of dying only if death is as a result of an accident , has no investment content , and does not acquire a surrender value ( other than one equal to the proportion of the premium paid which is refundable if the policy is terminated early or in other circumstances ) .
30 The Dog and Gun is at a junction of narrow country roads which are not closed to traffic , so chaos often results .
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