Example sentences of "[conj] [noun sg] [vb pp] by [pron] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 He is unlikely to be startled by the kind of evidence or hypothesis presented by us and by other writers .
2 The grounds of the appeal were that ( 1 ) the judge misdirected himself in holding that the preliminary issue should be answered in the affirmative and/or in giving judgment on the preliminary issue for the plaintiff and ( 2 ) the defendants were not liable in negligence to the plaintiff for any injury , loss or damage suffered by him while a foetus and en ventre sa mère since he was born prior to the passing of the Congenital Diabilities ( Civil Liability ) Act 1976 and the common law did not recognise such a cause of action .
3 You may also need cover for tools or equipment used by you and your employees .
4 Yet it is on that flood and the damage to swimming pools and jacuzzis caused by it that the NRA relies so heavily to demonstrate the existence of a so-called Maidenhead factor .
5 This inevitably means a reduction in the institutional care and education offered by them and the formation of new apostolates .
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