Example sentences of "[conj] [noun sg] [be] [adj] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 There must be no sign that your husband or wife is unable to manage his or her affairs because of mental illness or mental handicap .
2 Each organisation or society is free to decide what shall constitute a quorum at its own meeting but , when a number or proportion has been decided , it is incorporated into the standing orders and becomes binding at all future meetings .
3 In neither case is there any additional disciplinary power with which the employer or customer are able to impose their will .
4 The cynics say you can only die once and either heart disease or cancer are likely to get you in the end .
5 Unfortunately , the institutional implications of this agenda in terms of the partial dismantling of Roman monarchy and a particular style of clerical ministry seemed more revolutionary than did the theology itself , and neither Council nor curia was anxious to consider them , beyond the encouragement of national or regional episcopal conferences , the establishment of a consultative synod of bishops and the ordination of married men as deacons .
6 He said that Forest were willing to let him go .
7 Notice that Parkin is able to say what he truly means only after he has broken into dialect .
8 The idea that society is entitled to take whatever steps may be considered necessary to ensure that companies serve the public interest depends on the theory that the only basis on which companies can be allowed to possess power , which effectively means the only basis on which large companies can be allowed to exist , is that they produce consequences beneficial to society .
9 Within a few minutes of receiving this the King had written back regretting that lie was unable to alter his decision .
10 In the case of private industry there is a single , clear and unchanging primary objective , and management is free to optimise its behaviour in pursuit of that objective within a general framework of conditions imposed by law , practice , and opinion , which it hopes and expects will also be reasonably stable .
11 While his explanations do not seem clearly to separate older arguments about managers under- or over-investing from the impact of the business-cycle stage itself , it does seem clear that investment at the right time , i.e. early in the product life-cycle , does lead to increased ROI if management is able to establish its product in the market place and control costs .
12 Remember that bream , in order to grow big , live in waters rich in natural food , and pre-baiting is necessary to wean them off it enough to accept your offerings .
13 Brenda Bennett , branch manager Healthcare Beckton , decided the time and place was right to change her name to Bol by marrying Pete .
14 His leader 's menace and awe was able to transmit itself thousands of miles over a telephone line , such was his presence .
15 Computer Associates and Lotus are likely add their endorsements .
16 The application that was heard in the Chancery Division was merely a preliminary issue to see if Eagle was entitled to pursue its claim .
17 The cast and crew were prepared to plant their tongues in their cheeks and work hard .
18 The defeat of Redgrave and Pinsent is unlikely to prevent their selection for the Olympic coxless pairs and it could prove to have been a useful warning to the world champions to raise their performance for Cologne in two weeks ' time , when all the potential Olympic crews will have their first try-out .
19 Ruddock 's transfer request was slapped in last Friday and Sugar is ready to sell him even though the £2 million-rated player was a huge success in his first season back at Spurs .
20 Perhaps we just have to accept it is God 's will that the unorthodox individual is doomed to years of frustration , ridicule and failure in order to act out his role in the scheme of things , until his day arrives and mankind is ready to receive his message .
21 ‘ If there is a one-in-a-thousand chance that the present deputies will accept the referendum results and take this path of constitutional reform , then the president and government are obliged to give them it , ’ says Sergei Shakhrai , a deputy prime minister who is one of Mr Yeltsin 's most influential advisers .
22 On the rare occasions that they took place in the dining-room Fru Møller 's professional know-how and courtesy were apt to desert her .
23 The enzymes are specialized proteins which enable the body to carry out at body heat and atmospheric pressure complex reactions which , if man were able to reproduce them at all , would require high temperatures and high pressures to accomplish .
24 At CPFNS headquarters near the Nicosia Hilton , a cupboardful of expensive audio and video equipment paid for by the UN Fund for Drug Abuse Control was gathering dust and Hurley was anxious to get it out in the field , even though wiretaps were strictly illegal in Cyprus .
25 In general , this is a good idea since delay is unlikely to save you any money — and may in fact actually cost you more .
26 The employee , either during or after employment was free to impart it to anyone — including his employer 's competitor .
27 Well get down and get your jarmies on and then you can get back up there otherwise , if we do n't get them on , and when daddy 's ready to go you 're not going to have time to go and see your other nanny
28 These people had been encouraged to fight by the United States ; by keeping them going , when Congress was keen to abandon them , at least some Americans were keeping faith .
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