Example sentences of "[conj] [noun sg] [conj] [subord] [pron] [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 Parties faced with an expert 's decision or an arbitration award will need to know how the decision or award may be enforced , whether they can appeal against the decision or award and whether they can sue the expert or arbitrator .
2 However , if your usual diet incorporated oats , barley or rye or if you would like to experiment , you can include foods containing these this week .
3 Recognise that addictive diseases affects different people in different ways and it is very variable in its intensity but that all share the denial of believing that they are not addicted : the crucial test of addiction is not whether one can stop the use of an addictive substance or behaviour but whether one can happily stay off and not be drawn back to it or to something equally addictive .
4 He/she will have had time to get to know your hair , what suits you , how well it responds to mousse and gel and when it should be cut or styled .
5 Maybe as a result , there were considerable differences of opinion within the committee as to the nature of the relationship between finance and industry and whether it should be altered by the development of new institutional arrangements .
6 Frederica could not see Alexander at all : indeed she had noted he was not there : she stared around and around now at colourless air and sand as though he might rise from them like a mirage .
7 Constance was the only adult to whom she would dream of divulging Sam 's plot , since whether Constance approved or not , she would not be difficult about it : clearly , she did not approve , either because the act would be an invasion of property and privacy or because it would land them all in trouble .
8 The system for expressions of vague information built into human languages is of great subtlety and precision and if we can unravel its complexities , engineers will be only too happy to make computers vague .
9 I 'll just do your desk top and whatnot and if you can ask Jess to clean the floor , alright ?
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