Example sentences of "[conj] [noun sg] [prep] be [adj] to " in BNC.

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1 Holden Caulfield , narrator of ‘ The Catcher in the Rye ’ , and Lucy Snowe , narrator of ‘ Villette ’ , both criticise their societies and acquaintances , and struggle to be true to their own principles despite pressure to conform ,
2 A common desire and willingness to be subordinate to it is the essential pre-condition of a parliamentary state .
3 But otherwise the main principles of planning law , laid down in 1909 , were maintained : future development should accord with an approved town planning scheme ; compensation to be payable to landowners injuriously affected ; and betterment to be payable to a local authority when an increase in land values accrues as a result of planning proposals .
4 I have always been waiting , all my life , for writing and story-telling to be transparent to me as well ; that moment has arrived …
5 In most disciplines it is not possible to say exactly when the discipline has achieved sufficient breadth and depth to be able to be considered as a subject in its own right .
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