Example sentences of "[conj] [noun sg] [prep] [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 E-mail is automatically date stamped on receipt so the order of responses or interaction between accounts on the network is indisputable .
2 They were composed of three members : a chairman and two members , one a representative of workers , the other drawn from a panel of persons appearing ‘ to have knowledge or experience of conditions in the area to which the panel relates and of the problems of people living on low incomes ’ .
3 Members are appointed by the President from those considered to ‘ have knowledge or experience of conditions in the area and to be representative of persons living or working in the area ’ ( Social Security Act 1975 , Sched. 10 , para. ( 2 ) ) .
4 — Structural colours differ from those due to pigments in that they are changed or destroyed by physical changes in the cuticle such as result from shrinkage , swelling , distortion or permeation with liquids of the same refractive index as the cuticle .
5 I find it almost impossible to accept that such an injury … could have occurred without extensive bruising and swelling of the nose and probably fracture or disruption of structures within the nose and associated tissues . ’
6 This method caused an immediate necrosis of the entire thickness of gastric wall under the area of acetic acid application ( about 28 mm ) but without perforation or penetration of ulcers to the surrounding organs as in the original technique .
7 30 cooks , nearly all men , were attending a sort of food summit in Paris called le Club des Chefs des Chefs , or Club of Chefs to the Chiefs , founded in 1977 .
8 But the company 's Canadian parent , The Thomson Corporation , lost ground on its publishing side after providing for the sale or closure of titles in the UK and north America .
9 For instance , you could arrange a garland or archway of flowers around the words , or even just a rectangular border and still create the designs in each corner .
10 For Lord Strathclyde , the then agriculture minister , his private secretary wrote : ‘ Lord Strathclyde does not consider that it would be appropriate for the Scottish Office to be directly involved in the commissioning or management of investigations of the type suggested in the consultant 's report . ’
11 Depending on the likely cost of redundancies and the scale or likelihood of claims by the vendor 's employees relating to their past relations with the vendor , the purchaser may wish to negotiate a contribution from the vendor or a reduction in the price .
12 Gustav Holst Museum where the composer of ‘ The Planets ’ was born , and renowned Art Gallery & Museum including paintings from the Age of Rembrandt and designs in the style of William Morris .
13 In particular , the Kitchen herbs are liable not to be used unless they are very close to hand for the cook ; in the rush of making up food amongst all the other demands being made at the same time , a trough or window-box of herbs on the Kitchen windowsill or just outside the backdoor will ensure that culinary herbs are used daily .
14 Each terminal node or group of nodes on the network represents an activity area or department .
15 The ad may alter or undermine an unfavourable attitude or group of attitudes to the brand ( which may have been based on ignorance or emotion … ) .
16 ‘ Persuasion involves a conscious attempt by one individual to change the attitudes , beliefs , or behaviour of another individual or group of individuals through the transmission of some message , ’ say Bettinghaus and Cody .
17 a ) decision process speed : the speed at which the individual ( or group of individuals in the case of multi-individual buying situations ) moves through the decision process will depend on a number of factors , including : * whether the decision involves a simple or routine purchased in which case routine response or impulse behaviour will occur .
18 Other policies had tended to limit equality or parity between schools at the same time .
19 Relapse was defined as : ( 1 ) appearance of symptoms of flare up ( abdominal pain or diarrhoea ) or development of complications of the disease ( intestinal occlusion , abdominal mass , fistulas etc ) ; ( 2 ) two or more of body temperature >37.5°C , ESR >30 mm/h , CRP >3 mg/l , platelet count >350000 cells/mm .
20 The exclusion zone approved by the Home Secretary bans any procession or convoy of vehicles in the area .
21 the integration , coordination or synchronisation of elements of the status quo ;
22 release or counter-indemnity for guarantees by the seller in respect of the offeree group ; and
23 If salmonella is found , the producer is informed , a Zoonoses Order is issued banning the sale or movement of eggs from the farm , and ministry officials carry out further tests on the flock and the environment .
24 We can repeat our exercise and briefly characterise the divergence between the naturalistic and sociological explanations , this time through reference to marriage and the position or role of women in the family ( Table 1.2 ) .
25 They examined fingerprints for arches , loops and whorls , and palmprints for the presence or absence of patterns in the thenar , hypothenar and interdigital areas .
26 The patient returned 10 to 12 days after the procedure for a tubogram to assess the presence or absence of stones in the gall bladder and the patency of the cystic and common bile ducts .
27 Road construction can also lead to soil erosion which can be exacerbated by the dragging or skidding of logs from the place of cutting to areas where they are loaded on to vehicles for transport .
28 It is seen best when the homologous chromosomes are pairing at meiosis I. Since equivalent loci lie adjacent to one another ( loops or twists indicate these mutations having occurred ) the result is the alteration of the number or sequence of genes on the chromosome .
29 For example , it can find and list all the occurrences of a particular symbol or sequence of symbols in the data you have fed to it ; it can make frequency counts of phonemes and print out a list of particular CV patterns .
30 Conversely , the decisions taken by boards with a less participative style , such as Hanson and Tomkins , are primarily concerned with strategic decisions such as acquisition or disposal of businesses in the portfolio .
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