Example sentences of "[conj] [noun sg] [prep] [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 I suspect that part at least of the explanation lies in the pressures which structures of racism exert on the forms of resistance to it .
2 It is the essence of the Christian view of doubt , and human language and experience from all around the world also bear it out .
3 That is nipples which are turned in like a crater , or which do not stick up by at least half a centimetre when gently pinched between thumb and forefinger from just beyond the base .
4 This can be attributed to a number of factors : the increased availability of street heroin in Wirral during the early 1980s ; the periodic droughts of pot and speed at around about the same time ( some of the users suggested a direct relation between these phenomena ) ; the existence of large numbers of users initiated in the 1978–81 period who acted both as models to emulate and who were also probably the first dealers the new initiates came into contact with .
5 He had rapidly expanded into importing sportswear and equipment from all over the world , and he and Bobby Stoute had enterprisingly approached several hotels on the island for sales outlets on their premises .
6 Work on the upper pond is progressing , and soon it should be a think of beauty and joy at least for the foreseeable future , if not forever .
7 Because of its foundation-plus-option course structure , it is difficult to place the Open University in the diagram , but it may tend towards the academic and general at least at the undergraduate level .
8 Plus collectable ranges of Tribal and Village needlework , embroidery and silk from all over the world .
9 Plus collectable ranges of Tribal and Village needlework , embroidery and silk from all over the world .
10 But as soon as you step inside the door , you can see it 's something different — with ideas and inspiration from all over the world .
11 His strength of character was invaluable in dealing with the guards and his commitment to his fellow hostages was such that he would listen quietly and matter of factly on the occasions when we all had a heart-to-heart about the little ways in which we got on each others ' nerves .
12 Will not the Prime Minister refer to the report and listen to the voices of business and commerce from all over the country when they say : ’ A worsening position on employment expectations , ’ — higher job losses — ’ and a major down-grading of business confidence , however , give no cause for comfort in this survey ’ ?
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