Example sentences of "[conj] [noun sg] [verb] [adv] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 This technique retains the constant mean heat input but instead of measuring the temperature difference during a change a servo-system immediately increases the energy input to either sample or reference to maintain both at the same temperature .
2 And indeed we 're seeing that work coming through at the moment .
3 After 1893 expenditure fell although enrolment remained virtually at the 1890 level .
4 ‘ You can also find that grass dies back at the edges of the slot . ’
5 The strong relationship between syntactic category and coverage exists only at the first level of information .
6 Friends and colleagues past and present got together at the Brunswick Arms in Stamford Street to give him a big send off .
7 Perhaps his heart and mind leaped together at the daily realisation of his dream to take his beloved Johnson on this tour to these parts .
8 The Blumenthalstrasse address turned out to be one of the shoeboxes , a five-storey block of flats with the staircase and lift-shaft stuck on at the side of a column of frosted-glass bricks .
9 Talk ought to go on , even if murder went on at the same time ; at the sideboard Twomey turned his back before he smiled .
10 The basic recipe is a reduction of white wine and brown fond de veau lié with a julienne of gherkins and mustard stirred in at the last moment .
11 This meeting had taken place about two weeks ago ; two weeks of frustration and boredom rubbing away at the monkey 's sanity , its only hope to keep concentrating ; to put all its energy into finishing the task the computer had set for it ; another four , maybe five hours of programming .
12 That night the wind and rain tore ferociously at the tent as the force 8 hit us ; it was a luxurious feeling to be snug , warm and safe in our sleeping bags .
13 They are much more risky , tending to be highly volatile — rising quickly but often falling faster , indeed sometimes trading is suspended for a few days so you are locked in until trading resumes usually at a much lower level .
14 They entered the trench , leaving Astorre and Thomas and Pesaro standing silently at the entrance .
15 There 's a lot of shelling and mortaring going on at the other end of the village . ’
16 Tackle loose stair treads in a similar way , mailing the front edge to the riser below , and piping glue in at the back .
17 Another visiting soloist , the Italian violinist Regina Strinasacchi , inspired a substantial violin sonata , also in B flat ( K.454 ) , which soloist and composer played together at a concert .
18 The mother and daughter sat down at the table .
19 The incidence of bridal pregnancy and bastardy rose significantly at the same time .
20 To Germany he was more a messiah than a political leader : his speeches became ‘ mantras ’ or magical sounds ; his words , phrasing and delivery clutched hard at the emotional centres of millions .
21 The distinctive aroma of chocolate and liqueurs will entice you to view the delectable selection of hand made quality chocolates and fudge made daily at the village confectionery .
22 Now Faldo and his European colleagues can only wait and see if the hard work and application pays off at the weekend .
23 They had sat opposite each other in a compartment crowded with Able Seamen , he watching the darkening fields flying outside the window and Bunny staring down at a single sheet of notepaper , pale blue in colour , which he held on his jigging knee and from whose fold poked a sprig of crab apple in bloom .
24 While at the current time the main focus of this work has been to better assess need through localities , work is being undertaken to identify ways in which budgets could be allocated to localities and purchasing carried out at the local level .
25 This is largely because money allocated centrally at the beginning of the financial year does not usually reach the city itself until the autumn .
26 As caries sets in at a weak point in the tooth 's enamel and spreads to rot the whole tooth , so an appeal to the crown could trigger the decay of local autonomy .
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