Example sentences of "[conj] [noun sg] [verb] [verb] he [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It was said that nature had endowed him with a penis some thirteen inches long and an insatiable sexual appetite — so much so that even in his teens his physical attributes were the delight of many local girls .
2 I am sitting by the side of a hospital bed watching Stewart trying to open a box of chocolates that Sir has brought him from me , if you get it .
3 Tight in his hand he held the silver coin that Dad had given him at the front door .
4 And Preston very dubious , because she did n't look like she had a baby in her tummy and experience had taught him to be very sceptical about any information his family gave out , especially on the subject of babies and where they came from .
5 His subsequent career in equipment and clothing has kept him in close touch with needs , and there is no PE jargon in his down-to-earth advice .
6 Frankie had been told to dress in a hurry , and Sweetheart had taken him to the park near the old railway bridge in Horton Park Avenue .
7 His background and knowledge had directed him to the branch of military intelligence centred on Northern Ireland .
8 His mother and father had raised him to be a law-abiding Christian .
9 Chris Bonington 's passion for climbing and adventure has taken him on expeditions all over the world .
10 True , extreme poverty and hardship had driven him to the point when suicide must have seemed preferable to the life he was leading .
11 When sleep threatens to take him from me yet another time , I remind Crilly of a line from the film Drugstore Cowboy , in which the heroine says , ‘ You never fuck me and I always have to drive ’ .
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