Example sentences of "[conj] [noun sg] [verb] out of the " in BNC.

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1 In the store room next to the kitchen were a long table and shelves always covered with all sorts of provisions ; large earthenware jars full of confits of pork and goose , a small barrel where vinegar slowly matured , a bowl where honey oozed out of the comb , jams , preserves of sorrel and of tomatoes , and odd bottles with grapes and cherries marinating in brandy ; next to the table a weighing machine on which I used to stand at regular intervals ; sacks of haricot beans , of potatoes ; eggs , each one carefully dated in pencil .
2 However , a good deal of discretion is left in the hands of the Area Director to determine the merits of the application , having considered ‘ … all questions of fact or law arising out of the action , cause or matter to which the application relates and the circumstances in which it was made . ’
3 When the train had emerged from the last tunnel on the Central Line between Stratford and Leyton , issuing with little more space to spare than toothpaste squeezed out of the nozzle of another kind of tube , somewhere past that point , though he was not sure yet where , he would climb out on to the roof of the car .
4 That was the surprise packet that Stagecoach pulled out of the bag .
5 Following Sperber and Wilson 's ( 1986 ) suggestion that style arises out of the pursuit of optimal relevance , it is argued that deliberate reformulations are a stylistic device designed to achieve particular contextual effects .
6 We will not give way to those who mistakenly believe that power grows out of the barrel of a gun .
7 There was mass saluting , mass mumbling and mass pouring out of the door .
8 One of his arms moved a little and blood ran out of the side of his head onto the wet tarmac .
9 Fans and reviewers enjoyed the raw edge and revelled in the energy and melody thrown out of the guitar crashing mayhem .
10 Dhani and Caretaker came out of the Cathedral , emerging on to gravel and looked right .
11 Well it were n't exactly the school teacher 's fault cos Panda jumped out of the hedge into the lights from the cemetery cos she liked to go mousing up there .
12 ‘ She means , ’ the other twin chimed in , ‘ you are going to stay with us until Mummy and Daddy come out of the hos-hospital ? ’ she asked , finding difficulty in coping with the long word .
13 all the humbug and hypocrisy flew out of the window .
14 Pamela sipped her Tequila Sunrise , glorying in its garish colour , more sunset than sunrise , with its mountain of fruit and umbrella sticking out of the top .
15 Something huge and black loomed out of the mist of foam .
16 Something thin and black snaked out of the pit and wrapped itself around his ankle .
17 ‘ Scrimping and saving goes out of the window if there 's a special occasion - and women here are especially label conscious .
18 Marie followed the bus route to where she had seen Simon with his mother and father coming out of the private estate in their car .
19 The gunman is believed to have been waiting for the women and chidren to come out of the shop .
20 ‘ I wo n't let my wife and daughter look out of the window , ’ wrote an irate resident — because the ‘ travellers ’ were peeing against the trees ( 1985 — or 1885 ? ) .
21 When one lands on such a flower , it seizes the clumped anthers with its six legs and then vibrates its muscles so vigorously that its whole body shakes with a loud buzzing noise and pollen pours out of the anthers like salt from a vigorously-wielded salt cellar .
22 All the goodness and virtue went out of the paper by his action .
23 The uncertainty principle would allow particles and radiation to leak out of the black hole at a steady rate .
24 Instead it was nearly for Gary Player — and Player pulled out of the Championship after the second round !
25 Something red and pulpy squeezed out of the centimetre-wide gap between the executive transporter and the bay wall , forming shivering globules which clung to the wall 's hexagonal bracing struts .
26 And syncrotron sounds terribly technical , radiation is hazardous , and source comes out of the bottle and you put it on fish and chips .
27 ‘ Then I saw a leg and arm sticking out of the side and realised Stuart was underneath it .
28 UK industry has saved some £4 billion in annual interest payments since sterling opted out of the exchange rate mechanism and devalued last September .
29 His head came around , brown eyes alert as fitzAlan strode out of the alehouse , ducking his head to negotiate the doorway .
30 The men watched him silently as he strode on , their brown shirts at one with the autumn in the Tiergarten , as colour drained out of the world in preparation for winter .
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