Example sentences of "[conj] [noun sg] [noun] of [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Bullfinches may strip buds from fruit trees in early spring , wood pigeons ruin winter cabbages and cauliflowers and uproot seedlings of peas and beans in spring , or strip buds of fruit from blackcurrants and other fruits .
2 The London Inter-Bank Offer Rate ( LIBOR ) therefore represents the marginal or opportunity cost of funds to the banks and is the major influence on banks ' base rates .
3 The programme regulations equally apply to students enrolled for distance learning or correspondence modes of study with one exception mentioned below under 20.2 .
4 For visualization this is , in fact , quite a useful model , since the sliding and bending of the cooked spaghetti as it traverses the mass of its neighbours models quite well the behaviour of real chains , particularly in the tunnel or tube models of polymers of de Gennes , Edwards and others ( Figure 1.1 ) .
5 It is , however , not very easy to undertake population or community studies of disease for reasons of practicality .
6 These can be document files containing letters produced with a word processor , database files containing addresses produced with a database , or picture files of artwork for a magazine produced with your favourite drawing package .
7 Graham Song Paddle your own Canoe Mr Baker Song Nightingale 's Trill Mrs Baker Song My Hieland Hame Mr H.May Address — Mr H.McLean Gaelic Song Gaelic Mr Sinclair 15 minute interval for a service of fruit Song Oh for the bloom of my own native Heather Miss Russell Duet Tobacco Controversy Mr & Mrs Baker Address — Mr Angus McCuaig Song Clean your boots Mr Bate Vote of thanks to the Ladies ; to the speakers & singers Song & Chorus God Bless the Prince of Wales Mr Baker & company Vote of thanks to the Chairman Anthem God Save the Queen Mrs Baker & company Song Auld Lang Syne Miss Russell & company
8 9.1.3 undertakes that it will promptly disclose to the other Parties and to the Secretary of State any facts or circumstances which come to its attention indicating or suggesting any infringement or material risk of infringement of any patent or other Intellectual Property Right of any other person not being a Party to this Agreement through the expected mode of use or exploitation of its own results or background provided always that this undertaking shall not be deemed to impose or imply any specific obligation to undertake any patent searches of intellectual property rights or make any enquiries .
9 ( is the natural or equilibrium rate of growth of output and the income elasticity of demand for nominal cash balances . )
10 These bonds are more subtle than gossamer strands of spiders in the grass and are like the fields of force of electricity or gravity .
11 Among other points in the opinion , sex discriminatory actuarial factors within the scheme are not allowed — benefits for women and men must be calculated in the same way , although unisex pricing of annuities on the market do not seem required .
12 Although league tables of costs per QALY may help decision makers in the allocation of resources , potentially they can also mislead .
13 He quoted from the life of Carey and Prayer call of Fuller in 1784 where he says , ‘ Let the whole interest of the Redeemer be affectionately remembered ’ , and he went on to say we are called to WORK not a holiday .
14 The glossy shops and building societies of towns like Swindon and Basingstoke , the proliferation of ‘ leisure centres ’ and recreational amenities in much of the south , appeared to be firm signs of the enjoyment of the good life .
15 Thank you Mr Mayor I just wanted t to come in with two fairly quick points er as to why I will not be able to support this amendment , but the first is that the leader of the council has indicated that the efficiency savings erm has got as far as it can go and that , you know , we have been trimming at the margins and there is no more margin left and that leads you to believe that perhaps one should be looking at somewhat more er root and branch type of pruning in the spending that that the labour group want to actually erm deal with , er and the second point I would like to make , and er I thank councillor for giving us a a a a new word tonight obfuscation because that describes exactly what I think the labour group are trying to do by bringing this figure down it removes the embarrassment they would have from having to add on a substantial sum of money f due to the failure to collect the cou er the community charge in previous years and I think that they are trying by by this amendment with some very quick foot work to try and delude the people of this city .
16 It is designed to examine credit policies and investment behaviour of banks in their relations to industrial enterprise in three industrially advanced European economies ( Austria , Hungary and Sweden ) in the interwar period .
17 Profit and Loss Account of Leech for the Month
18 Profit and Loss Account of Stern for the Month
19 Hers is also the body of work most easily assimilable to what we commonly describe today as ‘ radical feminism , ’ with its polemics against patriarchy , male violence , and heterosexist containments of economies of desire
20 Lack of data is not a new problem — Burnhill ( 1985 ) cites Moser and Layard ( 1964 ) , who in a paper on planning the scale of HE , stated that ‘ on many important topics there were no data at all ’ , and that ‘ we lacked comprehensive data on the school background and GCE performance of students in different sectors of higher education . ’
21 Federico Joni 's output also included a large amount of far less brilliant work , done in the normal course of his activity as restorer and expert creator of artefacts in the Renaissance style , and designed to satisfy the demands of a wide market .
22 In recent decades there have been substantial changes in the family and household experiences of people in Britain , especially in the 1980s .
23 For the same reason we feel that it is important to determine ICAM-1 expression in tissues and serum samples of patients with colonic cancer , because ICAM-1 expression on melanoma was shown to be an important pathophysiological parameter .
24 It was studied by Niko Tinbergen in 1929 , on the heaths and sand dunes of Hulshort in Holland .
25 The segregation may be more precisely ecological than geographical in ( say ) forest and savanna races of trees in Africa .
26 The working papers develop some of the organisational and management implications of proposals in the Review .
27 In his contribution to the present volume , the distinguished Soviet historian , Leonid Goryushkin , has added fresh insights to the body of literature on nineteenth and early twentieth-century peasant migration patterns by demonstrating how these reflected the fluctuating social , economic and political policies of the late tsarist regime and by analysing their impact on the agrarian economy and village industries of Siberia in the decades before the first World War .
28 Last Session a team of four pupils from Heriot 's represented Edinburgh and South East of Scotland at the national final held in London of the ‘ Top of the Bench ’ quiz organised by the Royal Society of Chemistry .
29 As well as having a good working knowledge of the subject with which you are dealing , you , as an efficient PRO , should also have at your fingertips the names and telephone numbers of people within the organisation who are competent to speak to the media on specialist subjects , and this list should include others apart from the brand managers and marketing department personnel .
30 2 , it 's a very normal and routine bit of work for you .
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