Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] one of the [det] " in BNC.

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1 A pilgrim , whether bound for Rome , or Jerusalem , or simply one of the many shrines in England , would have expected to see the relics of the saints .
2 Ms Boswell , who was born in Ireland but stays on the move , is a veteran of exhibitions and just one of the many attractions on offer .
3 If even one of the many impurities had been highly toxic , as it might well have been , the non-toxicity of penicillin might have been completely masked , with unpredictable effects on subsequent work .
4 The Wedding Present violently oppose most rock 'n' roll ethos , but perhaps one of the few areas where they have shown loyalty to tradition has been their gluttonous appetite for live work .
5 Fortunately the Chapter House intervenes and is so tall it not only screens the full height of the iron ladder but also one of the half dozen hatches dotted around the parapet which lead directly into the roof-space .
6 From the nexus of contracts perspective the shareholders are not owners , but simply one of the several parties who make a contract with management to provide a factor of production ( in their case , capital ) for their common benefit .
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