Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] she have [vb pp] her " in BNC.

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1 Rather timidly , and feeling that somehow she had let her uncle down , Erika touched Karl 's arm .
2 Er it were in paper about this er this woman she 'd gone to the hospital and she must have been there longer than she thought , and so she 'd got her car clamped and it was thirty pound to have it off but
3 ‘ It was our agreement , ’ he 'd said , thrusting the cheque at her , and finally she 'd swallowed her stupid pride and admitted to herself that he was right .
4 She 'd taken her degree in chemistry at university , and once she 'd gained her doctorate had started work in one of the smaller fuel companies .
5 Mum 's got her handbag — and now she 's got her executive briefcase as well , for work .
6 And yet she had turned her back .
7 It was n't many months ago that she had been offended by his exploring fingers , but tonight she had given her breast to his hand as if to a baby .
8 Jane had had wide imaginings of everybody 's abilities coming together to a common end , but fortunately she had kept her thoughts to herself .
9 They would go back to Paris to the beautiful house , but she would never stop being grateful for the farm in the woods , because here she had found her father and here she had found Alain .
10 As always she had won her way , and now she was paying the price of it .
11 His arms held , though now she had wedged her hands in between her breasts and the hard wall of his chest and was pushing away from him with all her might .
12 For there she had met her husband .
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