Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] she [modal v] [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 Or perhaps she would paint a picture of Oliver and it would be hung in the National Gallery and everyone would come and look at it and weep because it was so beautiful .
2 If only she could get a look , see what they were up to …
3 She looked again for Pete , but Pete was no longer there ; and now she could hear a scattering of spontaneous applause — applause ! — and a few cheers and whistles which told her that the host had finally arrived on the scene .
4 And then she will take a few days off from seeing anybody except me and do a bit of work .
5 And then she put had some warm water and er she had to have it to the proper consistency and then she 'd have a a bucket of water w standing by her side with a a jug .
6 He looked like a man with nothing more on this mind than reaching the bar on the far side of the room — and yet she could feel a tension in the muscle of his arm , see it in the set of his mouth .
7 No , but like she might have a minute while she 's having her din , the they 're really busy you know in there !
8 Lina was reluctant to leave a happy secure home , but now she will have a cottage of her own , with hot water and an indoor toilet and cooker , and grazing space for a couple of goats and many chickens .
9 But now she will get a lot more than that . ’
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