Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] as [pron] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 It suddenly occurred to me that just as I wanted the boys to dress according to Western ideas when they were in London , so the Sheikha and Sheikha Grandmother would like me to dress according to their ideas of fashion when I was with them .
2 He replied politely that just as he studied the whereabouts of bones and tendons and muscles so as to know more about the figures he tried to draw , in the same way — if he was attempting a portrait — it helped to know something about the working of people 's minds and how their characters had been formed .
3 The face has always had a dialectical relationship to art and , today perhaps , this is stronger than ever as we view the face — in portraiture — with a scepticism characteristic of our age and as we witness the convergence of popular culture and fine art in so many spheres .
4 I finished the song and only as I left the stage did I realise I had wet myself with fear .
5 Lancaster 's voice had suddenly become animated and loud as he recalled the sting of his betrayal .
6 ‘ There ! ’ he said abruptly and threw the plane straight again , but this time dropping the nose , and I saw a jeep churning dust from the dirt road which ran the length of the island 's long shank , between the golf course and the houses , and just as I saw the jeep so the red tracer bullets began climbing from a machine-gun mounted in the back of the vehicle .
7 She had little time for the slow-witted and the unenthusiastic , and just as she exaggerated the talents of those she loved , she tended to magnify the defects of those she disliked .
8 She circumvented fat tourists in fancy dress , civic marshals in baggy overalls , then a personal camera drone , its head swivelling back and forth as it scanned the canal for its owner at home .
9 And whilst you 've heard comment from Mr last week about the County Surveyor 's view that the capacity of the radials really outside the City and also as they enter the City , the key impact within the City of York is on the inner ring road , because all the traffic tends to end up there .
10 ‘ I think he 's very important because of that fact , and also as he knows the French set-up and the way they play .
11 It had been sheer vanity that had made Fran call at the exclusive boutique on the way home from work , and now as she studied the dress she wondered if that vanity had bordered on madness !
12 In 1927 Welford Beaton was left in no doubt that the motion picture was ‘ a throbbing , living , human thing ’ after Janet Gaynor 's performance in Frank Borzage 's Seventh Heaven and especially by her grief as her husband left for the war ; Beaton had cried at the time and even as he wrote the spell was not broken .
13 He said the men had threatened his life , and even as he drove the victim to the beauty spot where the gang waited , one had been hiding in the boot of his car with a shotgun .
14 And then as we approached the tube station the arm around me again and erm and he
15 And then as they passed the Odeon cinema the man lunged at him with his walking stick beating him over the head and arms .
16 Strange 's outburst was directed at a cameraman who clicked as he addressed the ball , and then as he reached the top of the backswing .
17 Silent amid the crowd 's applause , they breathe deeply and steadily as they mount the bike , control the trembling of the hands and wait for the time-keeper 's ‘ Allez ! ’
18 He heard the door close behind him , but just as he reached the gate it was hurriedly opened again and a voice called , ‘ Just a moment !
19 But just as he put the rope over his head , he screamed in terror and threw his arms above his head .
20 But yesterday as they gave the clenched fist salute of the Spanish republican army and planned another ceremony next year , they smiled a smile of inner satisfaction at having taken part in a fight which they had no doubts was well worth fighting .
21 But even as he asked the question , D'Arcy already knew the answer .
22 Black gets it into the box Rozario got a header in but even as he headed the ball he limped away again and if he 'd have been properly fit then he would have really powered that one in .
23 But even as she made the token protest she knew a longing almost painful in its intensity to feel the possession of his mouth all over again .
24 ‘ I do n't care , ’ she said stubbornly , but even as she said the words she knew they were n't a hundred per cent true .
25 But even as she framed the words in her mind , confidence deserted her .
26 She swore — yet again — that she would leave off the rich food , forget the drink , but even as she making the promise , she knew she would not be able to keep to it .
27 But even as she held the knob in her hand and was about to turn it , she hesitated and her arm dropped to her side .
28 But then as we played the 13th I thought it might just be down to Bernhard and Seve .
29 Therefore once you everything settles and you switch it on at night or in the day , anytime , as soon as somebody opens the door , the bell will go off .
30 We require some evidence of loss , either from a vet or an accountant , and as soon as we receive the reports we look at them speedily and with sympathy .
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