Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] on to the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Its specially designed mechanism can be attached either to the back of the bed or directly on to the wall .
2 Pipe on to paper , if you need to allow the design to dry before being transferred to the cake , or directly on to the cake if this is applicable , for instance if the run-out is to lie flat .
3 And the dying welfare state brought its own newspeak as well : governments ' failure to link child benefit , unemployment pay and so on to the cost of living was the fight against inflation ; putting children on half-time schooling was referred to as giving parents a free hand ; closing hospitals and dumping dying patients on the doorsteps of unwarned and distant relatives was community care ; and a new political movement that saw remedies to the whole predicament , if only the nation 's women would buckle down to traditional role and biological destiny , was known quite simply as FAMILY .
4 Would you really , and think carefully about this , trust all your personal information ; diary , telephone list and so on to the memory of that recalcitrant computer on your office desk ?
5 And so on to the shop — ‘ hey … they 're selling stuff here ! ’ — and the cafe , the Casablanca Club , where a second voice murmurs , as it may well have done in arts centre days but certainly wo n't when the family visitor attraction becomes reality , ‘ a cup of coffee ? … pastry ? … hashish ? ’
6 Earlier , Aindow told the court that he was hit on the left thigh by the side of the car , which knocked him into the side of road and possibly on to the kerb .
7 Thus if the hirer subsequently pays off all the remaining instalments , ownership will pass to the hirer and straight on to the purchaser from the hirer .
8 Right : Vi-Spring will custom-make any of its bed bases to fit existing bedsteads , adding blocks underneath so that the divan fits snugly and securely on to the frame .
9 It 's going very fast , over the carpet , on to the chair , and now on to the table .
10 Now there are cars parked right the way up and even on to the roundabout , and I think a lot of these erm persons erm with the cars are probably from the Polytechnic .
11 No patients would be identified and the information would be confidentially passed to the British Medical Association and then on to the Home Office .
12 A quick cup of tea with Ewen and then on to the Loganair Twin Otter which slithered up the slushy runway and took the over-sea route to avoid the worst weather en route to Barra stopping at Benbecula .
13 It was n't even properly on the Foulness road , but a track from the road led to it , and then on to the camp ; about a quarter of a mile away .
14 She was bum up in the air , small head to one side ‘ gnawing her way through Donald 's portion and then on to the rest of the poisoned carcass of the chicken , which Henry added to her plate .
15 All lighting circuits are radial ones — that is one cable goes from the fuseway in the consumer unit to the first light position , and then on to the second , and so on to the last on the circuit .
16 They went there in the middle of that morning , passing through the gate in the garden wall and along the cliff-path for a few hundred yards and then on to the golf-course .
17 He swerved and avoided the worst of the impact , but was catapulted on to the bonnet of the car and then on to the pavement .
18 I 'd flown for the first time , out to Malta in an old , rattling York aircraft , and then on to the Canal one .
19 As she headed for the path that crossed the garden to the pool and then on to the pine forest and olive grove , she heard one solitary , impassioned call that hung hauntingly in the hot air .
20 Stage migration occurs when a peasant moves to a provincial town for some time and then on to the city .
21 Much of the film shows the painter simply going about his task , first scratching outlines on parchment and then on to the canvas .
22 It would roll around on the carpet , then leap on to the piano and then on to the pianist 's lap , where it would start licking the hands that played the magic notes .
23 Not looking at the cows , but keeping her eyes fixed straight ahead , she pushed her bike past them and then on to the footpath .
24 As they lifted him on to a stretcher and then on to the jeep the blanket slipped away from his shoulders revealing his red hair and a very white arm covered in freckles .
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