Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] give [noun] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 Within an hour hundreds of spadefoot males were bobbing like so many light balloons on the pool 's surface , each every second or less giving voice to a single loud ‘ Wah ! ’ .
2 It is the notion of a norm that perhaps gives rise to the central representation problem .
3 We can not do that , however , without challenging an economic orthodoxy of which the Tories are the natural custodians — that always gives priority to the short-term interests of the minority who hold and deal in assets , as opposed to those who live and work ( or want to work ) .
4 The differences between these two races of wild cat support the idea that it was the African that originally gave rise to the domesticated feline .
5 From the single cell , the fertilized egg , come large numbers of cells — many millions in humans — that consistently give rise to the structures of the body .
6 He 'd once thought of asking one of the Venetz sisters out , but they were pretty well inseparable ; a turndown did n't worry him so much as the prospect of being accepted by one and so giving offence to the other .
7 Exercise stimulates blood flow to the skin and so gives rise to a healthy appearance .
8 These paper notes , redeemable in gold or silver were transferable and thus gave rise to the use of paper money in England .
9 The negative sign involves a perturbation to 5 which reverses each tR , and thus gives rise to an oscillation with period 2tR .
10 He suggested that a tendency to report first the material entering the right ear might allow information from the left ear to decay in short term memory and thus give rise to the observed superiority of the right ear .
11 The ground was steep , and soon gave way to the cemetery .
12 The main activity menu has a series of characters or objects that become animated if selected , and also gives access to the other five options .
13 Moments of structural crisis in a nation state are harbingers of revolution and inevitably give rise to the necessary social and political climate for the production of revolutionary literature .
14 An award for helping to improve the environment and simultaneously giving support to a local hospice , has been presented to Stoddard Carpets Ltd .
15 I shall warm to my theme and then give way to the hon. Gentleman .
16 As such , the ethnic minorities represent a major demographic strength for parts of urban Britain , though at the same time their presence may have hastened the exodus of better-off whites and certainly gives rise to a very difficult set of policy issues ( Chapter 8 ) .
17 The studio system that had allowed film to become a vibrant force commercially and aesthetically gave way to a newly wrought independence .
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