Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] when she have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Mother told me that once when she had gone with them to chapel — and she was only a tot-she had just a little peep around at the rest of the congregation .
2 Actually seeing her physically pregnant may increase this response , and so when she has had her baby and gone back to her usual size , it is easier to relate to her as a daughter again .
3 He had caught a glimpse of her tender expression once before when he had handed her Effie 's baby to hold , and later when she had bathed it before they had left the Buildings .
4 her questions had been more curious than tender and even when she had touched his cheek it was to prove for herself that no bruising remained .
5 For the closing phrases , by which time she 'd completely lost it and was just plain screaming , we all fell silent , because it was awesome ; and then when she had finished the victim of her fury slowly exited right on cue in complete silence , complete silence except for Madame 's heavy breathing and the sound of Gary playing recitative on the piano , for he had been playing along under her rage all the time , as if to support it , as if this really was music to our ears .
6 She 'd thrown herself at him , and then when she 'd panicked he 'd dropped her like a hot potato … what a fool she 'd been !
7 And then when she 's gone
8 And yet when she had peered down at Scathach 's body she had looked through leaves , through summer .
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