Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [adv prt] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I observe in passing that probably not more than a dozen or so out of the 170-odd political entities in the world conform to even the first half of the Mazzinian programme , if nations are defined in ethnic-linguistic terms .
2 Redundancy and a wrecked career as a forgotten man seemed inevitable until right out of the blue Graham Taylor threw me a lifeline and persuaded me to join him at Aston Villa .
3 The exhibition continues into twentieth-century painting with works of Futurism , the Cubist-Futurist Russians , American Cubism , Precisionism represented by Charles Demuth and Charles Sheeler and thence on through the various transformations that the art of this century has seen .
4 From the Golden Age of the Renaissance , through the days of the Grand Tour and right up to the present day , Italy has been the Golden Land .
5 But in the Baltic area , in Lithuania , Latvia , Estonia and right round to the coastal strip of the White Sea , there are brick and timber buildings which have much in common with those found in the Baltic region of eastern Germany and Poland .
6 We lay on the brink of its descent and rolled quickly downwards , our faces full of earth and grass one instant and then rotating madly and finally up to the brazen blue sky leaking through the trees .
7 But the agency does have the job of approving materials and devices ( as well as drugs ) intended for the treatment of disease , and way back in the late 1960s it rightly concluded that none of the artificial hearts available was fit for the task for which it had been designed .
8 Quickly they piled into the car , which sped noisily and dangerously off through the quotidian traffic .
9 We could only travel at the rate of the slowest ship , and once out in the Irish Sea were ‘ blacked out ’ .
10 The village contained little more than cottages , but the spirit of the day had been caught … and two or three of the best of them were smartened up with a white curtain and ‘ lodgings to let ’ — and further on in the little green court of an old farm house , two females in elegant white were actually to be seen with their books and camp-stools — and in turning the corner of the baker 's shop , the sound of a harp might be heard through the upper casement .
11 I think of Camus and the beauty that each year is pushed further and further out into the oil-filmed sea .
12 Ted jumped at the chance to work with Eva and Dad , partly out of nosiness — to see what freedom had made of Dad , and could perhaps make of Ted — and partly out of the returning appetite for labour .
13 When they 're doing that others will be collating the information and hopefully er , the television cameras , B B C have expressed an interest in coming down and so have the newspapers to actually do erm some sort of documentary on that , and put a display up in the school and also down at the Royal Quays just linked to us .
14 At last , faint and far off in the total blackness which now surrounded him , he saw another gleam of light .
15 ‘ Where are we going ? ’ she asked , as the car moved smoothly down the road and then on through the small village just beyond .
16 She walked away from the rectory , up Once Hill and then on to the narrow road that wound , eventually , to Badstoneleigh .
17 We include a brief visit to Wroclaw ( Breslau ) for sightseeing and then on to the attractive town of Zielona Gora for an overnight stay .
18 Full marks on their specialist round on palms — lots of long unpronounceable latin names , and then on to the quick fire round where they could blow it all by answering incorrectly .
19 I let my gaze wander to the open grassy strip at the side of the block , which was almost completely empty of life , and then on to the red buses and cars hurrying along the main road .
20 You have an ice-breaker , and then , and then on to the important stuff .
21 Melissa glanced down at the powerful fingers with the powdering of sawdust round the nails and then up into the fierce black eyes , and her heart began to thump .
22 This month , aided by Lucien Cottle , we have Colostomy Finish , E4 6a/b which steps left and then up from the top flake of Raindance .
23 The visitor now has a unique chance to see these works together , as well as tracing the development of an idea from Canova 's initial pencil sketch to the bozzetto or model and then through to the finished marble and second version of the marble .
24 Most of these people are packed into the small area of flat land ; the coastal strip — running from the Kanto plain round Tokyo to Nagoya and then through to the Kansai plain , with its cities of Osaka , Kyoto and Kobe — has some of the highest population densities in the world .
25 South of this tiny pair are a few lonely islands separated from one another by hundreds of kilometres of sea — first , Ascension Island , then St Helena , and then over towards the Brazilian coast , Trinidade .
26 In this way , many birds ensure that they cross the Mediterranean at its narrowest point , the Straits of Gibraltar , or circumvent the sea altogether by travelling east into Asia across the Bosphorus and then down along the eastern shore of the sea by way of Israel .
27 With his other hand he slid one finger along the line of her temple , the slender arch of her neck , and then down along the soft swell of her breasts at the V-neckline of her dress , pausing at the small gold St Christopher gleaming against her freshly tanned skin , in the warm hollow of her cleavage .
28 Light came from prisms hung in the roof ; great cut slabs of crystal reflected light from the outside walls through long , empty light corridors and then down into the tumultuous kitchens .
29 From Harrop Tarn the packhorse route leads on to Blea Tarn ( 1.5 miles ) and then down to the small hamlet of Watendlath ( 2 miles ) , situated at the end of a narrow valley next to a small tarn .
30 In the 1860s a line was built along the path of the old moat and then out to the new dock at Neufahrwasser ( Nowy Port ) , and ten years later a second branch line went on up the coast to Koszalin .
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