Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [adv] we [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Why is it that so often we think of pork as suitable only for roasting , for chops or sausages ?
2 If so then we have at least one clear respect in which artefactual software , acquired in accordance with the cannons of conventional museology , differs from software acquired for archival purposes .
3 And anyway so we went to er over to Egypt and then it was when we came back and I I , the other morning on the radio they was talking about asking people to ring in about , I 've never rang in , I never bother ring , er how they spent their twenty first birthday .
4 Well our lovely trip was to Athens last year , yes , erm when we did the Britten 's War Requiem beneath the Acropolis in the old amphitheatre there and that was an experience that we 'll all remember , and then previously we went to Lisbon , which was very exciting — it was a completely different sort of experience .
5 They 'd start er you know one man gen mentioned er that when we get married in church erm we are making sacred vows you know we start with God but then we get busy with our living and our jobs and having our families and then somehow we forget about God and we we try to go on without him .
6 Now it says on average for , and then essentially we looked at the three main support of erm protectionist powers , like the E E C , U S A and Japan right , and they said that on average alright for every one dollar benefit alright for every one dollar benefit , one agricultural support , right it actually costs right one one fifty dollars of the general statistics in order to give a pounds worth of support to domestic farmers , we er have to find one pounds fifty right .
7 And then afterwards we went into erm went into the room and erm we put some compact discs on some music on and that .
8 But soon afterwards we moved to London and got divorced three or four years later .
9 A few years ago we had rows all the time about politics but more recently we kept off the subject most of the time .
10 They might , in some cases , indicate a facility of explicitness , but even here we have to be careful since what is or is not explicit is always relative .
11 But then suddenly we got in contact with each other and picked up where we left off .
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