Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [adv] [adj] [no cls] cent " in BNC.

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1 According to the latest US estimates , subsidies from the new Commonwealth of Independent States ( CIS ) to Cuba in 1992 would total approximately US$65,000,000 , or only about 6 per cent of aid received in 1991 and 2 per cent of the 1990 figure .
2 Politicians , local and national , have been able to claim great progress on the housing front , referring to the increasing numbers of sheltered housing units , yet conveniently ignoring that only about 5 per cent live in this kind of accommodation .
3 For example , one research study cited by Mays ( 1983 ) suggested that only about 5 per cent of Asian elders live alone ( compared with 38 per cent of white old people ) ( Bhalla and Blakemore , 1981 ) .
4 One Chief Constable has estimated that only about 10 per cent of all crime is reported to the police .
5 Peel ( 1966 ) estimates that only about 10 per cent of the area of the Sahara is formed of ergs or sand seas and that these remain more or less fixed in position .
6 Men might also leave the land , members of Wigston families migrated to Leicester into commerce , and it reflects the mobility of the population that only about 10 per cent of the families there survived in the male line from 1377 to the time of Henry VIII .
7 The British Crime Survey found that only about 8 per cent of incidents of vandalism were recorded in the official statistics , compared with 48 per cent of burglaries , and 100 per cent of thefts of motor-vehicles .
8 This showed that deaf school-leavers , educated orally , had an average reading age of eight and three quarters and that only about ten per cent of their speech was intelligible to a hearing person .
9 Even so a loose diplomatic understanding survived after a fashion , while British opinion polls in 1967 suggested that only about 25 per cent were firmly of the view that the government was too close to Washington .
10 ‘ Uptake of vaccine is very variable — one study showed that only about 49 per cent of GPs have had the vaccination , for example , even though the GP is just as much at risk as any other doctor . ’
11 Grossing up their results the authors of the inquiry suggested that just over 7 per cent of all jobs in the economy were temporary .
12 The latest official figures ( for 1985 ) released by the Government show that just over 35 per cent of older people were living on incomes at or below the generally accepted Income Support ( then Supplementary Benefit ) poverty line , compared with 10 per cent of people under pension age .
13 Their scale is demonstrated by the fact that just over 25 per cent of all public sector spending in Britain is accounted for by local authorities .
14 The latest official evidence shows that just under 70 per cent of adults with a disability — 4.2 million people — are over the age of 60 , compared with 25 per cent of the general population .
15 The RAC 's campaign manager , Edmund King , said : ‘ Research shows that just under 50 per cent of experienced drivers would fail their driving test if they took it today .
16 At the other extreme , special educational needs — with only a third as many courses as social issues — accounted for slightly more teacher-days , although still only 11 per cent of the total time .
17 Moreover , experience demonstrates that once over 50 per cent acceptances have been received and the offer has been declared unconditional as to acceptances , the minority ( particularly institutional shareholders ) often sell .
18 However , it is likely that well under 10 per cent of patients will need to be admitted to a psychiatric unit provided that other treatment facilities are available .
19 Prof Anderson said : ‘ We believe that initially about 90 per cent of sewage will be used for landfill and the rest for fertiliser , but these figures will be reversed as more farmers and forestry organisations make use of sludge . ’
20 OK , give it ten years and perhaps only 20 per cent will be producing what 60 per cent or 70 per cent were twenty-five years ago .
21 President Reagan 's claim that ‘ No other nation is in a position to deal with the key parties to the conflict on the basis of trust and reliability' jarred with assessments in early 1982 that no more than 0.5 per cent of Palestinians in the West Bank considered the United States was ‘ helpful ’ to the Palestinians in the search for a solution , and only approximately 2 per cent in the territories believed the United States was serious about a peaceful solution to the Middle East .
22 However , despite these encouraging figures , marketing studies carried out in the USA show that most home-gym equipment goes unused and only around 10 per cent of American adults engage in brisk , regular exercise .
23 reach the stage of proceedings being started , and only about 10 per cent .
24 However , with their emphasis on rehabilitation of stock and on area-wide environmental improvements , GIAs had a relatively limited impact , and only about 5 per cent of grants since 1969 have been issued within these areas .
25 Over 40 per cent of Preston 's immigrants came from within a 10-mile radius and only about 30 per cent had come in from more than 30 miles away .
26 of applicants were refused community care grant and just over 50 per cent .
27 But in the two most acute categories of learning difficulties , severe and profound , these children were found to be over-represented by more than 300 per cent and just under 200 per cent respectively compared to native English speakers .
28 But in the two most acute categories of learning difficulties , severe and profound , these children were found to be over-represented by more than 300 per cent and just under 200 per cent respectively compared to native English speakers .
29 According to reports nearly 50 per cent of Spain 's 36,736 prisoners were believed to have some form of addiction and just under 25 per cent were said to be HIV positive .
30 Between 1929 and 1936 unemployment averaged 16.9 per cent across Great Britain , but it ranged from 7.8 per cent in the South-east to 30.1 per cent for Wales , 22.7 per cent for the North-east and just under 22 per cent for Scotland and the North-west .
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