Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [v-ing] [that] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Those letters would be bound to point out to Gina how badly she 'd treated him , telling her to reform and to save her marriage if they were religious , or else saying that she deserved it if he got someone else .
2 The television was switched on , Omi started a new piece of crochet-work , Herr Nordern abandoned his statistics , Frau Nordern her reports , and Paul , boldly and half-truthfully announcing that he had finished his homework , joined Erika on the sofa to watch a good thriller on West German television .
3 Dr Sasaki had not looked outside the hospital all day ; the scene inside was so terrible and so compelling that it had not occurred to him to ask any questions about what had happened beyond the windows and doors .
4 He was a strange man , still lonely in spite of taking her for his wife , and kept his own counsel , never discussing his thoughts with her , keeping his troubles deep , and always ensuring that she had whatever she needed .
5 Being a fair-minded person and still hoping that I had a chance to get a cultural stew going , I listened carefully to the hon. Member for Stoke-on-Trent , Central ( Mr. Fisher ) , but he did not give me a chance either .
6 I HAVE no doubt that the vandals who defaced Bomber Harris 's statue are feeling pretty smug and probably thinking that they had made a point for Dresden .
7 The need for arousal thought well should I be absolutely calm when I 'm giving a presentation but I never am so is it right and now understanding that you need a certain level of arousal to be able to perform at all is is satisfying for me because at least I understand the situation now and able to work with it rather than against it .
8 There is no point in planning to re-use the memory on your old board and then discovering that it does n't fit the new one !
9 ‘ Champagne , hot scented baths , Sibelius , tiny kittens , very , very , very expensive underwear that you hardly know you 're wearing , and skiing at night and going into the big stores on fifth Avenue and trying on all the three-hundred-dollar dresses and shoes and then saying that I do n't like any of them — I do that quite often — and … ’
10 Relieved that he had apparently not betrayed himself and yet wishing that she had not moved away from him , David told her about the history of the old Jewish quarter of Venice .
11 The basic business of looking after them felt so demanding and emotionally wearing that there seemed little rime left to introduce them to ‘ real living ’ .
12 For there is no doubt that our prevailing intuitions about ourselves as agents , and a number of associated philosophical arguments about the concepts of choice , action and responsibility , have tended to make the case of individualism seem not merely strong , but so compelling that we have no option but to accept it .
13 But anyway seeing that we got it and all this business and and er eventually they got it , but they did n't get it in nowhere near a a as good as ours and you know .
14 That is , people tend to forget either in a motivated way , or accidentally , people will tend to minimise or trivialise the abuse to which they 've been subject in some cases because maybe saying that you 've been sexually abused as a child and that is why you 're so screwed up at the moment um that 's not necessarily a very self-benefiting thing to say .
15 While emphatically denying that he had acted improperly — Richardson claimed that his resignation was motivated by the desire to avoid damaging the ALP 's prospects in the next federal elections , due by mid-1993 — he admitted meeting Symons in his Senate office , writing a reference for him , and telephoning Amata Kabua , President of the Marshall Islands , after Symons was arrested .
16 A BRITON was behind bars in Florida yesterday after allegedly admitting that he preyed on women estate agents in a trail of crime across the USA .
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