Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [vb base] back [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 You 've got , again , a much more stable population , there are n't nearly so many teachers , young women teachers who leave the system to get married and then perhaps do n't go back at all , or only go back on a part-time basis .
2 They try to reach the place they are heading for or else turn back to the shore .
3 This allows us to do more than simply check back on the forecasters ' performance on individual countries ; it enables us to assess which forecaster has the best record across all the big economies .
4 Celebrate your success , thank your helpers — and gently come back to the room .
5 Then choose to walk away — and gently come back to the room .
6 3 Stir in the peanut butter and gently bring back to the boil until the sauce thickens and goes glossy and smooth .
7 unless you have a base to work off of started to do , once we started doing the er , the walls take the scaffold down out of the way and to release some area off our stock pile we decided to back build so that by the time that we 'd done six tanks we 'd got half our area taken up by all that material excavated and just flip back to the drawing here what 's going to happen is that stockpile here .
8 Okay has anybody else got anything more on that on that subject ? if we go back for a bit and just go back to the
9 Erm so it 's worth doing that we I , cos I was gon na go I was gon na go Thursday and just come back on the Monday but as it is now we 'll go Wednesday and have Wednesday , Thursday , Friday , Saturday , Sunday night , so we 'll come back on the Monday .
10 Sounds will be reflected by the shiny tiled walls and also bounce back from the surface of the water .
11 Note the Heading and then refer back to the localiser .
12 The digested sludge is dried in open pits and then put back into the pigs ' feed in a proportion of one part to 10 .
13 Where they do not exist it can be presumed that either the genuine silver-gilt coronet was used at the funeral and then put back into the strongroom after the funeral , or they have disintegrated .
14 The dormice are weighed and then put back into the nest .
15 My husband was mad on golf , and he used to go down into the park and send golf balls onto the lawn and then walk back through the rose garden which I put in the wrong place .
16 Once the invariant set is attracting , there is the possibility that the unstable manifold of the origin , which first strikes the return plane at R or L and which then wanders chaotically around the strange attractor forever , may eventually strike AD and then tend back towards the origin .
17 If you can afford it , spend two or three days recording your tracks , take away a rough mix and then go back to the studio after a week or so .
18 Rightly or wrongly we believed that as long as we were discriminated in every walk of life it would be absurd to pretend that everything was OK in rugby and play against the English and then go back to the township .
19 None-the-less , we are determined to fill those places by the New Year and then go back to the Department of Employment for more . ’
20 ‘ Then we would probably have a mandatory defence , which we would not duck , and then come back for a third defence against Bruno . ’
21 I 'll meet you at the tights department , but you can go and have a look at the , anything else first if you want to and then come back to the tights , I 'll shall be a minute or two .
22 But clearly the it forms two purposes , one is to remove the er the through traffic but also it it forms a purpose of redistribution of the traffic such that er there are er benefits er of getting er traffic off the A sixty one which for example is headed for the for the northern part of Harrogate and that that can come in from the South , it can go up to the A fifty nine and then come back into the northern part of Harrogate without having to pass through the centre of Harrogate .
23 He thus seems to go too far initially , and then shrink back to an anodyne conclusion .
24 To disappear without so much as a phone call or a postcard for three years and then breeze back down the path from the town and across the bridge-rubber handlebars just clearing the sides and no more — carrying somebody else 's baby or babies and expecting to be housed , fed , nursed and delivered by my father was a little presumptuous .
25 They wanted to drink , failing a quick thrash with a woman , and then tumble back into the field and race shouting into the forest to make the kill of which they had been unkindly baulked .
26 I get Des to untie his hands and then slip back inside the car .
27 I want ( sort of ) Blackburn to catch Scum , with the pressure they may break ( as they have done previously ) and then drop back into the chasing pack .
28 On longer courses participants may be asked to talk to one of their own students and then report back to the group on his/her pattern of language use .
29 Ken commented earlier that er er prior to the Financial Services Act coming into force which I think was some time in nineteen eighty-eight , the er D T I was responsible and there come back to the D T I if these sort of things had applied and er compensation effectively by the D T I for mal-administration or whatever so that er say we do n't pretend to be pension experts , so any retrospection that I would suggest might well be appropriate as at the date of the Financial Services Act becoming into force .
30 The inscriptions were copied from texts on papyri and certainly date back to the New Kingdom but are probably based on much earlier writings , perhaps as early as the Third Dynasty .
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