Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [conj] he [verb] [be] " in BNC.

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1 I wished I could have felt any sort of advance enthusiasm , but I could n't have cared less if John had spent the week transforming the room into the Crystal Palace , or even if he 'd been laying everything waste with a meat-axe .
2 They were held not liable , as the evidence established that even if he had been examined , he would have died before diagnosis and treatment could have been carried out .
3 However these two bases are distinct and it is clear from Harman J 's judgment that even if he had been dealing with an express confidential information clause in an employment agreement he would have declined to have followed Faccenda .
4 Nor was he helped by being up against the mighty deeds of the West Indies in his first two series , and perhaps if he had been able to cut his teeth on something less difficult the story might have had a happier turn to it .
5 By April 1954 Gouzenko had become a ‘ problem child partly because of his insatiable desire far publicity and remuneration from papers and partly because he has been ready to exploit present hysteria among the new administration in the United States ’ .
6 She had taken to her marriage-bed , therefore , a certain natural innocence and all the ignorance considered essential to her station , of which Tristan had relieved her as gently and pleasantly as he had been able , his passion lacking the intensity which might , on those honeymoon nights , have alarmed her ; being , instead , a lighthearted matter , full of the nonchalant reflections of the man himself .
7 He had already drafted two acts at the beginning of the previous year , and even before he had been taken ill this autumn he had begun the work of revising them .
8 He could , he thought , safely do so : Anselm was not an active enemy , and even if he had been , he could scarcely harm him now .
9 His clothes were in more of a mess but just because he had been in the city longer .
10 From boyhood James had wanted to become a physician , but even if he had been taken seriously there would have been no money to cater for such an extravagant ambition .
11 He looked distraught , his tie was pulled down and his collar open , his hair was ruffled , but even if he had been neatly dressed and groomed , the bright staring eyes and hectic cheeks would have warned Pascoe that something was amiss .
12 She heard her own shaming urgency and winced self-consciously , but even if he had been an observant man , Florian was currently too preoccupied to have noticed it , still busily congratulating himself and probably fantasising about taking Hawaii by storm .
13 But she could still recall , quite vividly , how it had been when she and Tom had married , just as soon as he had been able to dispense with his crutches : their brief but ecstatic honeymoon , the way he had so gently and expertly initiated her into the pleasures of sex and how , in spite of all his subsequent straying , she had remained faithful , forgiving and in love with him , in her own way , right to the end .
14 He is now out and as soon as he returns is to accompany Lady Franklin and her party in a vessel round the island as far as Port Davey and Macquarie Harbour , which you may easily see on the map .
15 As soon as he has been liquidated , another of the Seven , Philip , takes over .
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