Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [conj] [pron] is [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 It is far easier to convince readers of the courage and invention of a youth of fifteen or so when he is foiling the enemy with a clever disguise or a neatly gymnastic escape than when he is in grim and bloody action on board an enemy ship — not only easier , but more in keeping with the romantic excitement proper to adventure-story .
2 Or even that he is conducting a stealthy operation to ensure the BBC 's survival that depends on elaborate deception .
3 The international businessman is battered and buffeted by so many external forces that even if he is operating skilfully within his own limitations he may not always win .
4 But in a stressed state , and especially if one is playing helpless , one can not see clearly what the opportunities and risks actually are , and one therefore can not act with discernment and intelligence .
5 Mrs Strange used to be at the piano when Seven Towers sang and now that she is stepping up to the rostrum , Kathryn , daughter of bass singer and choir secretary Jack Clarke , is replacing her .
6 The man is a rogue , he stole from his own firm and now that he is serving time in Swansea Prison , I could never allow him near you , let alone marry you . ’
7 A human being needs to be able to make himself understood not only when he is shopping or buying a railway ticket , but also when he is expressing his feelings , explaining a principle ( of morals or mechanics ) , or when he is arguing about politics .
8 If ‘ it is raining ’ expresses the belief that it is raining , but says not that I , the speaker , have that belief , but simply that it is raining , it would appear that it differs in meaning from ‘ I believe that it is raining ’ .
9 But even though she is dying to leave , she has to stick with it because there is no alternative . ’
10 Yet conflict may be handled more effectively if what is going on within is taken into account as well as what is going on at the surface .
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