Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [adv] [subord] [pers pn] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 I think maybe English men would refer to their car as She or so on if they get to think you know they make things have personalities you start to give them personal pronoun there .
2 Power levels control the amount of microwave energy entering the oven , so food can be cooked as quickly or as slowly as you like .
3 The classical continuity which remains for the plucked string is that each of its harmonics can be sounded as softly or as loudly as we please .
4 and you 're not commissioned communicating professionally or particularly politely if you do n't ring up that day or the next day anybody understands if you have a puncture a road accident a client crashes but there 's nothing to actually stop you ringing up the next day and saying so sorry you could n't make it
5 And eventually you you either do and he drives off and nearly runs into rams into a lamppost or something like that on his way when he 's finally given up , or else sometimes as I say they get together and er everything 's hunkydory .
6 An employer should not , however , react excessively or too soon if you make a mistake .
7 No , I 'm sure that they that so long as they pass the audition they are always welcome .
8 President of the Board of Trade Michael Heseltine denied Tory MPs were looking for a new leader , saying : ‘ We know that so long as we keep our nerve and pursue policies that are important we can come through .
9 I know that so long as I do n't manage to count up to one hundred before the spasm ceases , I shall live .
10 I think that so far as we 've got .
11 ‘ I think you believe that more strongly than I do , ’ said Beuno .
12 ‘ Do n't be so soft , mam , he 's not one of us , I know that as well as you do . ’
13 ‘ You know that as well as I do , after the Beach Bombings . ’
14 Though , of course , you know that as well as I do !
15 Denis is a professional and knows that as well as I do . ’
16 Kate ca n't abide wasters , you know that as well as I do .
17 You know that as well as I do .
18 And you know that as well as I do . ’
19 the real politics of it is that those labels are attached , and you know that as well as I do .
20 You know that as well as I do and those people do n't seem to be given the encouragement to move on to another profession .
21 Erm , you must know that as well as I do , so there 's , it 's six of one and half dozen of another .
22 Er that as far as we know is the referee 's confirmed that it was offside and actually if you look at that it was offside .
23 In a level voice he said , ‘ You gave me to understand that as far as you know there was no woman at the time but your mother .
24 I would like to record that they tried to cheer each other up in their double misery , but I 'm afraid the truth is that as far as I know they never spoke to each other again .
25 Hannibal was also the object of some sort of pseudohistorical tale of which a papyrus has preserved a piece that as far as I know has never been connected with the oracle transmitted by Antisthenes .
26 And that as far as I know is that .
27 ‘ You may say that as often as you like . ’
28 She was referred to in the temple archives at Knossos , although as far as we know her nearest sanctuary was the Cave of Eileithyia at Amnisos ( Figure 16 ) .
29 And then he replied that well just because you think you 're not blind , then you must be
30 You pick up the warning signs from the news and so on before you get the official warning to go , but it 's still short notice .
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