Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [pron] [vb base] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 The fact is that for most children maths has been taught badly or rather they have learnt it badly for one reason or another , so there is a need for , for an improvement or a change , so the idea that if children can understand something this will help them to remember it or to make it more real to them , this does seem to be a shift over the last generation .
2 about the last month or so I 've felt it getting slower .
3 Over the next 40 minutes or so I hope to take you on a review of the practical application of artificial intelligence ( AI ) in the field of aircraft maintenance within the RAF .
4 If we do n't know where you are for twelve months or more we have to assume you have abandoned your child .
5 Or maybe they 've left them behind somewhere .
6 Once or twice I have heard her begin to tell the story of those days to some young man , but then halfway through a sentence she would go white with anger , knock back her gin and go silent .
7 Well either ill or else they 've gone you know cos it 's a nice day out do n't know .
8 Sometimes she claimed that the wine her friend had brought was ‘ sweeter than any you have given me ’ .
9 You might as well drink that now you 've opened it .
10 unless it 's the but er if you 've forgot it back good reason for handing it over so yeah I mean I , I think that well I 've given you the , the , the strength if you like we can see it , perhaps a little bit more open questioning would n't go amiss would it ?
11 you build up a pattern then you build up a rhythm and eventually you know do it
12 And what we 've got N here we 've selected as three and so we 've broken it up into three tuples because another rule in the method even though it can be broken is that each pixel can only go into one tuple .
13 Research contributing to existing areas may be funded from a variety of sources and so we tend to avoid it .
14 Emotions create too much of a mess in our neat , tidy , rational world — and so we learn to squash them .
15 They look better They all used to be one colour before but we 've now extended the range and so they 've put them in different colour bottles .
16 We are very grateful for their support and their continued interest in our programme and I think they were er conscious of the fact that Vice President Pandolfi was coming here and so they have contacted him saying how essential they think it is that the work should continue here .
17 The letter which he valued most came from the leader of English theology , who was now Archbishop of York , William Temple : ‘ Men ought to acknowledge their major obligations , and so I write to thank you ... ’
18 that people feel are an issue cos together we have to exclude it .
19 A lot of things were said when we broke up and perhaps we regret saying them .
20 So what they had done it had a big slab there and it had got on it er The World 's Largest Slate Mine , and perhaps you 've seen it yourself they 've rubbed the T off and they put V and somebody 's done a very good job of it er in the same paint and everything .
21 So I asked them in the lodge like do n't do any damage and Tom was in e he gave them a good lecture so and the lads in the lodge said , Well look you tell them as well not to do this attitude and perhaps you 've seen it on these flumes when they saw a crowd that was there they were changing gear with the Land Rover and through you know like anybody in the way you 'd be underneath .
22 His exercise regime is supported by strict adherence to a diet , and together they have enabled him to retain a muscular frame with what he claims is zero body fat .
23 If so I propose to install it tonight and invite you along to see it and make suggestions before you leave . ’
24 ‘ You have n't even met him yet and already you 've put him behind bars for life . ’
25 ‘ Leave here , and take him with you ; for Andernesse is not to be trodden by mortals , and already you have harmed us enough ! ’
26 You have fought me since our first meeting and finally you have left me with a rather wet and creased shirt , but I am not offended . ’
27 And still they 've condemned it .
28 And still I 've made it through !
29 And hopefully I 've shown you the key that unravels some of the mystery of the blue book .
30 However strong the objective evidence that I do want X or Y , I can take these wants into account only if they pass my private test , if subjectively I do feel them .
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