Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [pron] [adv] [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Or perhaps they just like tea , ’ said Ianthe , grateful for the cup that Sophia had poured out for her .
2 Or perhaps you secretly hoped Rocky would get knocked out before he made any sequels .
3 And or course you never use water on an oak floor cos it stains .
4 Or maybe they just hate women who are n't totally in awe of men , women who are n't under their control . ’
5 It had been the same at the airport and I had thought then that perhaps he half expected Iris Sunderby to materialise out of the crowd .
6 His position was at outside-right , although later he occasionally switched wings , and his place as a regular , though unpaid , member of our 1913–14 side tells us that he was a credit to his club and craft because Palace only conceded the Southern League championship to Swindon Town on goal average at the end of a thrilling season .
7 If visiting or entertaining friends is difficult , this is the first and most important problem to be tackled , because maintaining ( or restoring ) this particular activity will do more than almost anything else to keep life in balance .
8 We know we are part of a great community and so we now stand Lord as we remember those people who have been a part a part of this particular community to give thanks for their life and to give thanks for them .
9 He wrote farces , he wrote burlesques , he wrote songs , and sometimes he wrote accompanying music for things going on on the stage , and apparently he also wrote Sally In Our Alley .
10 He saw himself as a wise and benign deity , presiding over his kingdom and seeing to it that evil did not always prevail ; a hollow symbolism of course and anyway he rather liked hemp agrimony and ground ivy .
11 and that 's the over there and now what else floats Kevin ?
12 So he just stopped — ‘ made that decision ’ — burned everything he had written and now he just took pictures .
13 Draw it up , and here we just took suggestions from everybody , but what you can do , if you 're on your own , write it down on a piece of paper , and ev , when every time something occurs to you , you put it down .
14 To most of those who knew him Henry was just eccentric enough to be terrifyingly normal , and even his carefully calculated bitterness , the quality of which , on the whole , he was most proud , had become , in early middle age , a Nice Dry Sense of Humour .
15 She ranges historically as far back as the Florence of Savonarola 's time in Romola , and geographically she actually encompasses themes such as Judaism in her last novel Daniel Deronda , and that , I think , you know , takes her both chronologically and geographically well beyond Jane Austen 's range of interest .
16 And he was just wandering round and then he just went bleugh and bombed in the garden
17 Right and then he probably ring Roy and Yeah
18 Yeah you just came out the loo and then you just said Amy .
19 He told them , ‘ When you 're exploded into the orbit of fame , if you 're not careful you tend to believe your own publicity and then you really invite disaster . ’
20 The movement from the initial grandly imperative wish for a creative act , reviving an older myth , to the final mundane narrative of the beginning of another , much less magnificent revival of potential creativity promised by ‘ sal volatile/ And a glass of brandy neat ’ is a movement away from a first situation ( that of Ariadne on Naxos ) which we never see in itself ; the painting conjured up and the other parallels to this first situation are interpretations not just of each other , but also of that first situation which , because a ‘ myth ’ and so subject to constant reinterpretation , may never have happened in any of the ways presented , if indeed it ever took place at all .
21 I do all the work , and sometimes I even do things they do n't tell me to do . ’
22 In many ways this brings Marshall closer to the regulationist school and indeed he explicitly incorporates aspects of their analysis in his approach .
23 My husband died when he was only 33 , and unfortunately we never had time to have children .
24 And fortunately I suddenly had inspiration , just at the last possible moment .
25 Cos then they usually make fires .
26 The voters , in other words , had not moved solidly to the right , their position was one of ambivalence ; they had become deeply sceptical about the role of government and yet they still expected government to aid them as they tried to meet the pressing problems of modern life .
27 There is one other almost essential ingredient of the romantic suspense story that can hardly be avoided and yet which perhaps presents difficulties to anyone whose interest is more in the human relationships that are the core of this kind of book than in physical action and violence , things which seem to belong more properly to the thriller .
28 His other relaxations are snooker , at which he has a highest break of 55 , and occasionally he also goes pheasant shooting .
29 Their only chance of such would be to marry a wealthy man , because as source A also describes , before 1919 no woman was allowed a complete education , and therefore they never achieved positions in highly paid jobs , such as lawyers .
30 He will happily talk about his films and what makes Jack the performer that he is , but now he rarely allows interviewers into his private territory .
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