Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [pron] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 One of the defining characteristics of a public good is non-eccludability : once the benefit is produced , it is accessible to everyone , however much or little they contributed to the result .
2 It is related to the hedgehog , or rather it belongs to the same family of insectivores .
3 Or perhaps they sort through the plastic bag of pubic hairs they keep specially to place on the side of your bath before you check in ?
4 I stayed like that for the minute or so we waited at the Lochgair station platform , and did n't stir again — yawning convincingly for any other passengers who might be watching — until we were crossing the viaduct at Succothmore .
5 The Land Campaign , or so it seemed to the Conservatives , threatened to wipe out those gains at a time when the party showed no signs of an electoral recovery elsewhere .
6 Blanche shrugged sympathetically , or so it seemed to the sergeant , as if to say , ‘ I understand .
7 With this as the acquired recording , it was exceedingly difficult — or so it seemed at the time — to slip down from the stress-filled beta-waves of everyday living , to those desired alpha-waves of mental quiet and healing .
8 Or so it seemed at the time .
9 The contrast was stark , an area devoid of anything green , or so it seemed from the air .
10 It was not fun enough for the fans , nor artistic enough for the art loving public ( or so it seemed from the vulgar poster and catalogue ; actually , it contained some wonderful and rarely seen pieces of silver ) .
11 ( Or so it said in the T&A last night ) .
12 Or so it appears from the valuable memoirs of Mrs Belloc Lowndes , in chapter nine of her Merry Wives of Westminster :
13 Scientists have rather a bad press in these lists , as well as tending to drag down the market value of their places of study , or so it seems to the editors .
14 With legs stretched out and with no space to flex a muscle — or so it seems to the beginner — a sneeze might unbalance the boat .
15 ‘ It was worth doing , or so I thought at the time .
16 As I say , I could have destroyed you , or so I thought at the time , but you 've turned out to be a lot tougher than I had imagined … not vulnerable or confused at all .
17 She was a real beauty , or so I thought at the time .
18 Or so he says at the beginning of his book .
19 It refused to let back the 300,000 or so who crossed to the East Bank during or after the 1967 war , but it allowed 100,000 ‘ summer visitors ’ to cross each year to maintain contact with their families .
20 Sooner or later it occurs to the owner that , for the price of two or three battery changes , it should be possible to make a transformer-rectifier unit capable of acting as a permanent substitute for the battery .
21 Perhaps he regained his old power in the Badlands and rebuilt his domain , or maybe he fell to the sword stroke of an ambitious young Orc Warboss before ever reaching the Iron Rock .
22 Or else we go in the afternoon and truss your pvc .
23 I thought that perhaps something came through the air-vent , down the bell-rope and on to the bed .
24 Except suddenly she thought of the receptionist who would normally be at that desk .
25 ‘ In ninety-three legislative words , ’ he said , ‘ the safeguards gained after centuries of constitutional struggle , even bloody civil wars , were swept aside by a provision that said simply that hereafter anything enacted by the EEC automatically became British law , annulling any laws which were inconsistent without debate .
26 The same writer also states : " The Bishop of Rochester remained at Hailing and Trottescliffe , where he conferred orders in both places and at certain intervals , " he continues , " this mortality swept away so vast a multitude of both sexes that none could be found to carry the corpses to the grave , men and women bore their own offspring to the Church and cast them into a common pit , and from these pits came such a great stench that hardly anyone dared cross the cemeteries . "
27 It was only later that he found out that nearly everyone suffers from the same delusion in one form or another ; at the time he was convinced that it was his own personal idiosyncrasy .
28 And it makes no difference in terms of consumption that here they appear in the catalogue rather than inscribed on the surface of the image since the contemporary catalogue has claims to offer a unifying experience for the viewer .
29 The auxiliary impression , he suggested , was due to such things as the skin being of different thicknesses at different parts of the body , the fact that sometimes it extends over the firm surfaces of the bones , sometimes over the flesh of the muscles , sometimes over cavities , and so on .
30 On the one hand the state is reluctant to make them better off than the ‘ good ’ housewife , married and ‘ supported ’ by her husband ( the exact amount of ‘ support ’ decided by him alone ) ; on the other hand , of course , the status of the married housewife is so low that virtually anything going to the single mother makes her better off .
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