Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [verb] with [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 On the other hand , if one reads between the lines , or simply attends with care to domestic allusions , signs of incipient change are numerous .
2 Much , though not all , of the Earth 's tectonic , volcanic and seismic activity is directly or indirectly associated with movement between neighbouring plates .
3 This frankness of approach applies particularly if the presenting problem is directly or closely connected with matters of sex and Sexual relationships .
4 Whatever finally happens , NAB will sooner or later have to give detailed consideration to teacher education , for two reasons : it is responsible for advising on the funding of all public sector advanced further education , including teacher education ; and major elements in teacher education courses leading to the BEd , for example , are common or closely interlock with elements in courses leading to BA and BSc.
5 Evidence is mounting that weeds do more than just compete with crops for light and nutrients .
6 Other people 's nationalism is never easy to fathom , but Panama 's is more than usually overlaid with issues of race ( white and black ) and class ( rich and poor ) .
7 The conceptual problem is that of interpreting the effects of localized stimulation in a system that probably deals with patterns of input .
8 This common-sense image implies a linear model which sees these burdens as cumulative in operation and effect , although also overlain with images of the strong black woman , the single mother , holding the family together in the face of irresponsible black males , whether they be husbands or disruptive youth .
9 One is the failure to understand the radical hostility of communism to mankind as a whole — the failure to realise that communism is irredeemable , that there exist no ‘ better' ’ variants of communism : that it is incapable of growing ‘ ‘ kinder' ’ , that it can not survive as an ideology without using terror and that consequently to co-exist with communism on the same planet is impossible .
10 PREGNANCY ( or GESTATION ) — A status or condition of a woman that ordinarily begins with implantation of the fertilized ovum in the uterus , and lasts until the fetus is aborted or a birth occurs .
11 From the above results it appears that the positivity of either ANA-H or SMA-AA , although significantly associated with signs of marked immune stimulation ( higher hypergammaglobulinemia Table I ) , does not allow to rule out a coexistent hepatitis C virus infection .
12 Beyond that period , he had to be issued with a holding order and eventually served with allegations of his suspected terrorist activities which he could contest before a commissioner in a special ‘ Diplock ’ Detained Persons ' Tribunal .
13 Isaac Walton , Donne 's biographer , relates the tale : ‘ Several charcoal fires being first madde in his large study , he brought with him into that place a winding sheet in his hand , and having put off all his clothes , had this sheet put on him , and so tied with knots at his head and feet , and his hands so placed as dead bodies are usually fitted , to be shrouded and put into their coffin , or grave … with his eyes shut and with so much of the sheet turned aside as might show his lean , pale and death-like face . ’
14 The student bravely and patiently spoke with John throughout the contact .
15 In this perspective , it was industrialization and urbanization which triggered those processes and which led ultimately to a weakening of family ties , and especially ties with kin outside the so-called ‘ conjugal family ’ composed of a couple and their immature children ( Morgan , 1975 , ch. 2 ; Harris , 1983 , chs. 6–8 ) .
16 So , you can rotate , stretch and generally fiddle with text as if it was a square or what have you .
17 When it was revealed that the 14 candidates polling the least votes and thus threatened with exclusion from the central committee included such notables as Abalkin , Shevardnadze , Ryzhkov , Defence Minister Dmitry Yazov and CPSU international department head Valentin Falin , Gorbachev intervened with a proposal that they too should be deemed elected by virtue of having won a legitimate majority , this being accepted by the congress .
18 It included a flat-rate increase of 65 lire an hour ( nearly 10 per cent of average hourly earnings ) , a progressive reduction in weekly working hours to 40 by 1972 , equal treatment of blue- and white-collar workers when sick , and overtime limits with compensation for lost earnings .
19 It was more of an annual rite than a business meeting , and always concluded with expressions of mutual goodwill and handshakes all round — provided the pub continued to show a profit .
20 Probably the most spectacular example of this is the large gaming or divination board found in the East Wing of the Knossos Labyrinth : it was covered with plaques of ivory , plated with gold and further decorated with plaques of crystal backed with silver or blue paste .
21 He was fifty-five and still filled with plans for a united Spain .
22 Mothers tend to be less indulgent and more demanding with daughters at this age than with sons , and fathers to be similarly favourably inclined towards their daughters .
23 As such , they were the precursors of the Saxons , who came to be more and more associated with attacks on the coasts of northern Gaul and Britain .
24 Balcha recovered , grew up as a page in Menelik 's household and later fought with distinction at Adua , where in 1896 the Abyssinians destroyed an Italian army .
25 The nervous tension of dodging and ducking about a sky crowded with equally dodging and ducking planes , some firing , some looking as if they might fire at any instant , some sheering wildly away to avoid a collision ; and all the time trying to grab a quick shot at a mere point of light : all this brought back the strain of combat , when you were pressed on by the excitement of chasing the enemy , pulled back by the horror of shooting a friend , and periodically shaken with fright by the thought that at any second you might be cut in two .
26 Marshka had arrived late and now sat with Vashinov in his office waiting for the latest report .
27 Hence Behaviouralism , the version of a more general behaviourism specific to International Relations , which we shall meet in the next chapter , is commonly spoken of as a Positive approach and often contrasted with Realism on this score .
28 Approaches that have tended to over-emphasise the cost aspects of RMI and to make it appear as a finance-driven system tend to alienate the service provider groups and often meet with resistance at clinician level .
29 This has remained for five generations in the same family , and roughly speaking with headquarters on the same site , whereas Smith 's ownership has passed through several families and occupied many addresses before settling in 1921 on 57–61 St Vincent Street .
30 George elected himself to go and see what could be done in the way of sample jars and presently returned with gifts from the Chinese cook in the dome car , in the shape of four rinsed-out plastic tomato-sauce bottles rescued from the rubbish bin .
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