Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] still [verb] [pos pn] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Although I still held my card of the Transport and General Workers .
2 Although I still love my husband , we have n't been happy since my son was born .
3 She became close to both women and , although she still saw her mother from time to time and still has a very strong relationship with her that has not been diminished by the divorce , a special bond was forged with the two older women .
4 She was thankful that she still wore her cloak .
5 She went over to the bed , realising with a shock that she still wore her kimono .
6 Silly really , because her family had no way of knowing that she still covered her head .
7 He gave Sandison the address and asked him to do three things : check that Maidstone was all right , check that he still had his money and give him back his hat .
8 Problem was I was playing a British Military Police Chief , and I still had my uniform on when I turned up at this place .
9 I wish I was wrong and I still had my pension .
10 British Aerospace was brilliant , as long as I had , I had a good reason to go away they 'd give me , they said they 'd pay for , I mean one year I did six weeks away paid and then anot another year I did two months non pay and I still kept me job , that 's when I went up the for two months all I was just labour doing it then .
11 I seem to have more time for her than I had with them , and I still do my housework and all the washing .
12 You have got to enjoy yourself to be able to complete at a top level and I still love my running .
13 Dad , if I still had my wee Claxton Annabel could go outside and play in it .
14 When midday arrived and she still had her job at Vasey 's , Leith began to have doubts that Naylor Massingham intended to dismiss her .
15 While crossing the Old Bridge , she suddenly wondered if she still had her money in her breast purse .
16 He 'd been on the roads for days and they still retained their winter mire , despite the advent of finer spring weather .
17 And he still had his greymass .
18 But he still surrounds himself with women and he still takes his camera everywhere , although now he prefers making commercials for Reebok and Virgin Airlines to taking pictures .
19 Erlich had the passenger seat as far back as it would go and he still shifted his weight about as if he needed another six inches of leg-room .
20 Inside the Visitors ' Centre , a beautiful scale model of number 70000 ‘ Britannica ’ built by Mr G Kirkby to a 10¼ inch gauge rested and it still retains its boiler certificate .
21 The man 's face was indistinct , a tall mestizo with large , softly frowning features , but I still heard his voice clearly : ‘ Sucio . ’
22 I must have been about nine , but I still remember my dad putting his back to the door , after Pikey had gone home from a seance .
23 But I still have my mother , three sisters , a sort of sister-in-law , and four nieces .
24 but I still have my wedding-ring
25 Not everyone is like that , but I still think your future lies off-world .
26 But she still had her friend , and Aileen put her arm round Tildy .
27 But she still had her friend , and Aileen put her arm round Tildy .
28 But they still want your name and address . ’
29 One or two pigments did stain the fibres somewhat , but they still held their translucence , and I suppose that a wash in warm soapy water would bring back the whiteness .
30 But they still raped our country , disgraced us , pissed all over us for the crimes of fifty years ago .
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