Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] 've [adv] be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Now of course it would depend very much on and whether you were in a drought situation as we were until last year or whether it 's like we 've been over this last summer and early winter which is that virtually not a day has passed without we 've had some rain , in which case obviously the roof is going to get cleaned up very much quicker but I have to say that although I 've always been under the impression that it 's not a good idea to save water off a new felt roof er because of deposits that come off the mineral felt .
2 Part of the problem is that I 've already been through all this pregnancy stuff with Wife Number One .
3 But the fact that I 've never been to England before does n't make me a complete bumpkin .
4 ‘ My wife rightly points out that I 've never been in a ladies ' loo in my life .
5 I 'm happier today than I 've ever been in my whole life .
6 ‘ I 'm fitter than I 've ever been in my life .
7 ‘ At parties , if people ask what you 've been doing and you tell them that you 've just been around the world , it stops the conversationd ead . ’
8 Now we 're delighted to see you here because we know that the , the G M B shares this view and we know that you 've also been in the forefront of introducing technology , er and we know also that having you here er , having your conference here , helps us enormously to continue this process of raising the profile of the trades unions , the trades council , the labour movement in the city .
9 It 's clear that you 've never been in the services . ’
10 Erm the loyalist paramilitaries have become much more sophisticated than they 've ever been in their history .
11 They 're much more sophisticated than they 've ever been in the past .
12 ‘ But I do n't go abroad on holiday — and I 've never been to the Caribbean , ’ she wailed helplessly as he added yet another gorgeous outfit to the huge pile he 'd already chosen .
13 It 's pretty boring here and I 've only been at Auntie Jane 's just over a day .
14 I 've probably been out playing and you 've probably been at the shops .
15 If you 've ever been to one of their live performances , you will find the band , yourself and the whole of the crowd jumping around like it was a punk reunion .
16 Its a , during the course of the time of the crucifixion , Jesus is on the cross and its says there , there were two others also who were criminals , were being lead away to be put to death with Jesus and they came to the place called The Skull , there they crucified him and the criminals one on the right and the other on the left , but Jesus was saying father forgive them for they do not know what they are doing , and they cast locks divided up his garments among themselves and the people stood by and looking on and even the rulers was sneering at him excuse me , and even the rulers were sneering at him saying he saved others , let him save himself if this is the Christ of god , his chosen one , and the soldiers also mocked him , coming up to him offering sour wine and saying if your the king of the Jews save yourself now there was also an inscription above him , this is the kind of the Jews , and one of the criminals who was hanged there was hurling abut at him and saying you are not the Christ , save yourself and us , but the other answered and rebuking him said do you not even fear god , since you are under the same sentence of condemnation and we indeed justly for we are receiving what we deserve for our deeds , but this man has done nothing wrong and he was say , and he was saying Jesus remember me when you come in your kingdom , Jesus said to him truly I say to you today you shall be with me in paradise I wonder if you 've ever been in that awful position of facing of what you thought was certain death perhaps you were seriously ill and er , there seemed little hope of your recovery , perhaps you were facing some danger , some , some risk and it seemed almost certain that short of a miracle you were gon na die , I wonder what sort of thoughts would have been going through your mind , maybe w , may well be that you were with other people , I wonder what sort of things if you were in a condition of speaking , what sort of things you would of been saying to them .
17 So in some states it 's sixteen , in some states it 's eighteen , in some states twenty one er and Reagan thought it would be quite a good idea if they had uniformity across America er in which , you know , that they would raise the drinking age to twenty one er and this would then er reduce the incidence of teenage drunk driving and if you 've ever been in an American bar you will know you 're very often funnily enough they do n't ask me so much these days but you 're very often asked to prove your age , you know , er and you have to produce your driver 's licence and all the rest of it erm and so he increasing
18 ‘ Ah , but you are , if you 've never been to Sardinia before . ’
19 we 're off grass track racing now … one of the country 's biggest meetings was held in Oxfordshire at the weekend … and if you 've never been to a race before … sit back and watch this … it 's exciting stuff …
20 If you 've never been to an ice hockey game , it 's more than a game — it 's a night out .
21 Now some of you , if you 've only been with the company a few months or whatever it was , may not have noticed too much of a change , er , but I 've noticed a bit of a ch , I 've noticed a tremendous change in two and half months , two and a half years , and there 's some people in the room who must have noticed tremendous changes .
22 We 've been to Lords and we 've also been to Wembley , we 've been to Twickenham and we 've also been to Wimbledon .
23 We 've been to Lords and we 've also been to Wembley , we 've been to Twickenham and we 've also been to Wimbledon .
24 And we 've also been over the fact that I ca n't accept conditions .
25 And , and how do people find out about you if they 've perhaps been through psychiatric illness ?
26 Children should always wash their hands before handling food , particularly if they 've recently been in contact with pets .
27 It 's unlikely that anybody does it too often , since trippers tend to make skiing an all-day outing , but I 've often been on the beach with people planning a ski trip next day .
28 But I 've never been to the Lodge .
29 but I 've never been to it
30 As you may know , our family lived in NZ from 1969 to 1978 and last year we returned for a 6-month tour , but I 've never been over the Haast Pass so that is a personal goal for me !
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