Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] could [verb] any [noun] " in BNC.

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1 One such person was John Curran , a producer at ITN , who had already demonstrated his kindness by giving me an answering machine so that I could screen any calls from the press .
2 ‘ Every month , on my fertile day , I get the feeling that I could grab any man and try to get pregnant — I know it 's a fantasy . ’
3 The USA had never needed to undertake such policies previously , since acceptance of the dollar 's role as a key reserve asset had meant that she could meet any payments deficit simply by increasing the supply of dollars .
4 She went from being childish , not caring for social conventions and so spoilt that she could follow any whim she liked , to realising how nai ‘ 3vely and shameful her ‘ rebellion ’ really was .
5 Hm But it 's quite good paper because it 's got all the colours in it so you could put any thing with it ca n't you ?
6 By the nature of the case , the hypothesis that other apparent persons enjoy feelings which are like ours but which are necessarily unobservable by us is not one that we could have any evidence against .
7 At very high temperatures , particles would be moving around so fast that they could escape any attraction toward each other due to nuclear or electromagnetic forces , but as they cooled off one would expect particles that attract each other to start to clump together .
8 After these meetings , every employee was interviewed by a member of the team dealing with the relocation so they could raise any questions that they had .
9 He was feeling genuinely enthusiastic , in a splendid mood , but he was nervously aware that it could disappear any minute .
10 Although some years later he was to describe the kind of people with whom he now associated in a less than enthusiastic manner , it was really only in such company that he could feel any sense of purposefulness .
11 But it is equally possible that he could spoil any chances he might have had by making some political slip .
12 In May 1983 the head first introduced the appraisal at a meeting of senior staff and I attended this meeting so that the research project could be explained and I could answer any questions staff might have .
13 I became a very good eyeballer , and I could read any line on any green .
14 My Heart bleeds to see the Concern he is in ; and it would be the utmost Satisfaction to me , if I could hope any thing of mine could contribute to his comfortable Subsistence in his old Age : I therefore beg of you to take the Key of my Buroe ; and if any thing is to be made of my poor Papers , that you will , for my sake , endeavour to promote a Subscription for his Benefit , which you so kindly have propos 'd for mine
15 Perhaps I should have formed a better plan ; perhaps I should have made instead for the Villa Diodati , to see if I could secure any friends and allies there .
16 In late 1976 , Radio Telefis Eireann , the Irish state television service , decided to produce a documentary on Lebanon and asked me if I could locate any films that depicted the country in the days of peace .
17 If I could have any day of my life over again , at the price of my right arm , it would be that day !
18 ‘ I would undertake to pay Miss Kennedy a generous salary and you could refund any capital she may have put in as your partner .
19 Harriet , still grieving and perplexed and unable to obtain any further information from Liza , asked Edna outright if she could throw any light on the matter .
20 The worst moment of all , he thought , had been at a quarter to nine that morning , when he had been roused from the bottom depths of heavy , dream-tangled sleep by the door bell , and when , having stumbled across the room , still not knowing where he was or what was happening , he had found Mrs. Mounce at the door , asking if she could do any shopping for them .
21 In the meantime , she might just as well take another look at those ledgers and see if she could make any sense of them .
22 She decided that her best hope was to go up to the belvedere and see if she could find any indication at all that someone else had been involved in Gebrec 's death .
23 I would be very grateful if you could shed any light on the phases for me .
24 I should be grateful if you could make any amendments on your copy and return to me as soon as convenient .
25 Here , you were lucky if you could see any surfaces to dust .
26 By the way , the last thing Carolyn said to me last night was that her party was open-house and we could go any time . ’
27 But these were superb fighting men , forged by the iron wills and driving energy of their leaders until they could master any terrain or circumstance .
28 Chief Constable Burrows was then called to see if he could throw any light on the missing statement .
29 But you could have any woman in the world .
30 But before she could form any question Sally burst into the kitchen again , breathless ; the words tumbling out :
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