Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] can [verb] [adv] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ A room with lots of good natural light , and a large table where I can spread out my things .
2 If you set an area outside which you can not sail then tag one another by doing a tack or a gybe around them , it can turn into a very good game where you can build up your own tactics .
3 Lanteglos … where you can excite both your golf and your family !
4 The street market is a real Aladdin 's cave of goodies where you can pick up anything from hand painted papyrus pictures or exquisite glassware to jewellery or fine rugs at ridiculous prices — if you stand your ground .
5 If you find a swim where you can trot down you could end up with a good bag of dace as large , individually , as those you may catch from the main river .
6 Or you can do absolutely nothing but lie in the sun in the garden and tan .
7 Or she can stay later it 's , it 's entirely up to you .
8 Choose a spot where they can bask in plenty of sunshine each day .
9 Where it can pick up everybody 's conversation .
10 Neither my sister nor I can remember exactly what we had for dinner , but we chose not merely a good cheese but a claret of which we hoped he would approve .
11 Another possibility for the seminar is that if you want to bring some notes along to a sort of , if you show me a if you dream up hypothetical questions and then put a plan to answer them so that I can skim down it in about a minute or two .
12 Before acting out as a late Father Christmas , I want to erm , come up with some general , how shall I put it , general considerations , this is why you have slides , you realise that slides are not actually for your benefit , they 're for my benefit , that I can remember where I am and what I 'm supposed to do .
13 ‘ So I have to fail all my GCSEs so I can find out what you knew all the time ? ’
14 Now that she can see again she is proving to be a handful of trouble . ’
15 The system improves your service , keeping a record of the guest 's history so that you can identify where he spent his money last time he stayed ( by analysing his spending pattern ) , which room he stayed in , what his favourite drink is , whether he has to have special foods , and important facts like did he pay , did anything go wrong last time he stayed , and so on
16 Er , there are , I think it 's ten columns and thirty one rows , erm , so that you can plot where your money is going if you need to .
17 ‘ I do n't take it out very often but it 's nice to have , to know that you can go anywhere you want if you feel like it . ’
18 You may not assume that you can go anywhere you like — most of the land is privately owned and actively farmed .
19 If you can improve the power of your calf muscles you will find that you can build up your mileage without difficulty .
20 But even when you are constrained by having to answer a question set for you , it is useful to bear in mind the range of possible essay genres , so that you can decide exactly which combination of focus and mode of argument you are required to adopt .
21 Some sports magazines and shops sell weighted strips of material that you can wear around your wrists or ankles whilst doing other exercise ( such as suppleness exercises or when running ) .
22 Now this is set up differently cos this is set up very sensibly , so that you can fill in who wrote it , when , what date and what it 's about , and when you try and find it later it 's easier to find instead of scrapping through lots of files that do n't have a long document .
23 These now have an excellent range of pipes and plumbing fittings and are well laid out so that you can see exactly what you need .
24 YOUR AUTHORITIES ' PLANS : The spending plans for each of the local authorities in your area are shown separately on your bill so that you can see how they affect the level of your community charge and how they compare with the amounts for a standard level of service ( see next note ) .
25 However it is also valuable to practise out loud by yourself , and it is even better if you can tape record your answers so that you can hear how you sound .
26 Now I just want to explain something to you that you can that you can put down in your notes in any way that you like , that you can understand best yourself .
27 The monitor allows you to see the contents of the memory in a form that you can understand i.e. it is translated back into text as a screen image .
28 that you can buy here you can actually get it in Harrods as well , and I use as breadcrumbs .
29 You know I think it , I think it 's something that you can say well you know , that 'd be one of our objectives
30 Your wedding day is the one time in your life that you can live out your wildest dreams and most romantic fantasies .
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