Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] will [adv] [vb infin] the " in BNC.

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1 He or she will then discuss the case with all those deemed necessary in the best interests of the child .
2 ‘ I 've selected a midfield umbrella to protect him with players and said , ‘ look , this is your stage — now go and do it where it will really hurt the opposition ’ .
3 Do not let the bird preen for at least half an hour or it will just pull the feather out .
4 They echoed each phrase as he continued : ‘ … that I will never mention the existence of any such letter to anyone else — now , or at any time in the future , so help me , God . ’
5 I do hope and pray that I will never have the need to use it .
6 This may be a good moment to indicate to her very gently that she has grieved well and long , and that if she is beginning to feel that her period of mourning is nearing its end ( even though you appreciate that she will always carry the scars of her sorrow ) , you are ready to give her any help she needs to adjust to her new and different life .
7 ‘ She writes that she will never show the photograph to anybody .
8 He is just , I suppose , primus inter pares , as a Prime Minister , and erm that 's it is , as we 've both said , the next hundred days or so that you will probably see the real John Major .
9 Try to interest him or her in what you have to say and the chances are that you will also interest the audience .
10 Do not just avoid paying the bills in the hope that you will eventually find the money .
11 Please read them with care , so that you will fully understand the benefits and conditions of the policy .
12 We are confident that you will now receive the joy you deserve , and we are really happy for you .
13 If you do the chances are good that you will only have the same situation all over again or probably even worse .
14 This is not to say that you will never deflect the opponent 's attack and then counter , because you will .
15 We hope that you will always enjoy life together , a very long and happy life together , and that you will always retain the enthusiasm of this new start , and remember the joy and delight of finding each other , which is so evident today .
16 And that you will always retain the enthusiasm of this new start , and remember the joy and delight of finding each other , which is so evident today .
17 The ball runs a long way so you will probably get the distance you require .
18 If it is already in the Bill , I apologise , but I hope that we will finally resolve the injustice of the tax on empty properties .
19 My own feeling is that we will probably lose the battle , but there will at least be measures in place to protect the animals . ’
20 The fact that there is something quite new and of a different quality means that we will rapidly discard the old and move into the new , just as colour television sets were substituted for black and white , and created a very high growth rate over a period of years .
21 I think we will continue to have a degree of volatility in markets we 've not experienced previously and I think the way the market maker has to interpret his role now is such that we will never get the sort of fine tuning that the old jobbing system could provide .
22 As my honourable friend said from the front bench , the Labour party is absolutely firmly committed now both by the voices of the leadership and the votes and the resolutions at our party conference that we are in favour of a proportional representation system for the European parliament and I hope that when the elections come Mr Deputy Speaker , and people will be arguing about why they 're voting for Europe on June the ninth in one boundary as opposed to another and why they 've got erm erm different rules for this election of course as indeed for the last European election because the registration will be different , allowing all kinds of erm how can I put it foreigners in inverted commas , to vote in our elections in this country because it is the European elections that we will actually put the point across that er for the future there will be different arrangements made indeed .
23 However , such x i j could be basic in an initial BFS and , although they will eventually leave the basis , it is usually computationally advantageous to start with a BFS in which no basic variable x i j has = K .
24 The Irish people are defined primarily by their allegiance to the present restricted or future enlarged republic , but it is popularly understood that they will normally have the further characteristics of Gaelic Irishness .
25 But they are taking the view that they will only provide the service equipment , that 's the cabling and the installation and what have you , but not the cameras and that it 's again up to the Police Authority to provide the cameras .
26 The forced march through Siberia becomes increasingly desperate and hallucinatory ( in fact Ypsilanti is , from the outset , clear in his own mind that they will never find the emperor ) : when the regiment comes to cross the tajga in July 1918 , the forest takes on the appearance both of a paradise regained and of a place of horror , endless in extent , haunted by marauding tigers and ghostly tribes .
27 Ca ca n't you just , ca n't Jim just brief his staff , but er as far as that 's concerned w he takes it that the Q S has asked him to do all the site measurement er and that they will then produce the certification
28 They may go several years without a cable break on the winch launching , and so they will scarcely give the possibility any thought .
29 Another suggestion is to decorate trays , mats and coasters , although you will get better results taking them to a framer to be professionally heat-sealed , so they will better withstand the heat from a plate or teapot .
30 It has just told me that the trial has proved successful and that it will shortly make the address service available nationwide .
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