Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] are [adj] for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 All goods must be of sound materials , workmanship and ( where you are responsible for this ) design , and shall be equal in all respects to relevant samples , or patterns provided by or accepted by us .
2 They were most common in flat landscape areas , on the eastern half of the country , where they are visible for many miles .
3 Unfortunately many patients present tumours too extensive to resect or they are unfit for such surgery .
4 Who knows , you may come up with something new and unique or , if you do not feel that you are ready for such dizzy heights , try the sample given in the instruction book .
5 It is an absurdity to say that we are responsible for bogus applicants .
6 Although these themes are introduced sequentially , it is proposed that they are relevant for all periods of 10th century design : ‘ paradoxes of a machine age ’ , ‘ sources of inspiration ’ , ‘ internationalism ’ , ‘ graphics for communication ’ , ‘ mass consumption ’ , ‘ form follows function ? ’ and ‘ values in making ’ .
7 Exactly because they are common and basic they are relatively unlikely to need an explicit statement , by assignment , that they are valid for any entity where they are perceived .
8 You must allow that children are small , courageous people who have to deal every day with a multitude of problems , just as we adults do , and that they are unprepared for most things , and what they most yearn for is a bit of truth somewhere .
9 We were also conscious that many English teachers are non-specialists : the Kingman Report points out that 28 per cent of teachers in secondary schools have no formal qualifications in English beyond 0-level and that they are responsible for 15 per cent of English teaching ( paragraph 6.4 ) .
10 Current users of bank loans were much more likely than non-users to say that they are convenient for expensive goods , and more likely to say they are easy to understand and use and make shopping simple .
11 Straight-sided models offer greater ‘ headroom ’ and so they are ideal for tall , space-hungry crops such as tomatoes and cucumbers .
12 If , for example , the reasons described seem unfair or conflict with what was said to you at the time of your dismissal , and you are eligible for unfair dismissal rights , the next step might be for you to make a complaint to the industrial tribunal .
13 If you are eligible for financial help , we will tell you how much we will pay and make sure you know how much you will pay , before you move .
14 You must provide your manager with a self — or a medical certificate , depending on your illness for the first 7 days you are off but you must provide medical evidence if you are ill for longer than this .
15 It 's enabled us all to work and to conduct our cases in as an amiable atmosphere as the adversarial system allows , and we are grateful for that .
16 Your contribution — however small — will help fund this vital work , and we are grateful for any donations received .
17 ‘ Both me and Vinny had a good sleep on the plane and we are ready for hard training .
18 Nevertheless , studies about job losses are useful to the extent that they give some flavour of the rate of change associated with the new technology , and they are helpful for any social and economic planning to cope with these changes .
19 The association has agreed to meet this expense but it will be pointed out to the Youth Club that if they are responsible for any further damage they will be required to provide the cash .
20 ‘ With leukaemia in a child they say that if they are clear for five years , then all is well .
21 Basically , all employees are covered by the Scheme if they are sick for 4 or more days in a row .
22 Ministers make excuses in their own interests , but they are responsible for these matters and they should do their job properly .
23 Proteins are fundamental to the life of the cell because they are essential for all the key chemical reactions as well as providing the main framework of all the structures in the cell .
24 If you are in straightened circumstances please contact your social security office , you can not know whether you are eligible for financial help unless you ask .
25 Not only is that unfair , but it will require checks by local authorities , and snooping to see how couples are living together to decide whether they are liable for each other 's bill .
26 Have the courage to own up to your mistakes and to say sorry when you are responsible for any bad behaviour .
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