Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] are [art] [noun] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The explanation of the equilibrium outcomes is that they are the NE outcomes in these games .
2 Few Jewish people will condemn Lubavitch publicly , partly because they have convinced even many secular Jews that they are the torch bearers of Jewish tradition .
3 And something that was suggested by fire wardens , that they could do a five or ten minute erm presentation and could go round each floor to make people aware that they are the fire wardens , why we have to evacuate and the importance erm
4 Little wonder there was ‘ intellectual disorder ’ — if that is the correct word for daily thought stymied by explicit threats of destruction ; ‘ a state of mind fundamentally disturbed ’ — if they are the mots justes for those who doubt whether they will be able to put their professional training into practice ; ‘ bordering on the neurotic ’ — if that is an accurate description for lives lived under the fear of total extinction in the mushroom cloud .
5 If erm , for example , I were to produce a beam of pye mesons , which I can do by taking very high energy protons and making them collide with ordinary hydrogen , then the pyon will come out and it will not live for very long , and I think the lifetime of a pyon is something of the order of ten to the minus eight of a second , which means that pyons only live for about one hundred millionth of a second , and these things then decay into othe particles and these other particles are called muons and they decay into not only do they produce muons , but they produce things called neutrinos and the muons themselves do not live for very long — a muon lives for about two microseconds , which is two millionths of a second — and it decays also into an electron and another neutral particle called a neutrionor , and these neutrinors just are there , they exist very but they are the end products of these decay processes .
6 You may not always do just what friends tell you , but they are the sounding boards who let you know how far to go .
7 ‘ Our spirit is magnificent , and we are certainly not in awe of Australia just because they are the world champions .
8 If " focusing " in this case were to involve levelling as part of new dialect creation , then we might expect /e : / and /o : / to become the new focus , as they are the majority variants , the prestige variants almost everywhere , and arguably simpler in phonological terms than the others .
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