Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] has [adv] [be] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Compassionate and relentless as God ( in whom she does not believe ) , she sends her creatures forth and calls them home , having ( like Thomas Hardy ) a love for funerals , although she has never been to one .
2 Her situation is slightly more complicated in that she has also been in prison .
3 This requires extended consideration as part of the subsequent discussion of the state , but it is not by any means dissociated from industrial culture , although it has frequently been in opposition to it .
4 SINBAD has been cleaning the windows in Channel 4 's Brookside since 1984 , although he has only been on a regular contract for the last two years .
5 The two cases also show that change is a possibility , but that it has mainly been in the past through change in the hierarchy 's and clergy 's attitudes as well .
6 If he looks at the statistics , he will see that it has always been like that .
7 That it has been ‘ the only game in town ’ , as many have argued , has not meant that it has necessarily been worth following , either from an Israeli or a Palestinian view .
8 Landscape painting is flourishing in Scotland today , artists resident , their subject matter possibly more valued than it has ever been with so much ‘ green ’ and wilderness awareness .
9 Each of these aspects of the learning environment will now be even more fully under the control of the school than it has ever been before and this is the challenge to leadership and management in every school .
10 Hence , a political economy of the urban is scarcely more plausible now than it has ever been in the past .
11 In socialist France , it is now higher than it has ever been in that country 's history .
12 First , safety expenditure under the Government and British Rail is higher than it has ever been in British Rail 's history — it has gone up from £140 million to £200 million .
13 In socialist France , unemployment is now higher than it has ever been in that country 's history .
14 The fact that he has also been of service to AIM is a bonus .
15 Also Parker confesses that he has never been to one of Elvis ' recording sessions : ‘ That 's his job — mine 's getting him as much money as I can . ’
16 I can well believe that he has always been in favour of a social charter in Europe , but he has never before asked us to be in Europe enjoying its disadvantages .
17 And he has never been to England before . ’
18 Jesus has been through the agony in the garden he 's been arrested he 's been abandoned by his apostles he 's been through a trial and he has actually been through the crucifixion and he 's been buried in the tomb .
19 Only the United Kingdom economy performed as badly during the seventies and it has always been near the bottom of the league .
20 It is a relevant example because it involves one of the most searing of twentieth-century experiences , replete with both personal and broader political consequences , and it has recently been in the news .
21 It has always been in order for Ministers on the Front Bench to read their answers and it has never been in order for hon. Members to read their questions .
22 Joey does n't compete in the short circuit section of the championship in which King has excelled but he has generally been in command between the hedges and today it looked like the same old story when he took the lead after the first lap .
23 ‘ It has been a long wait in a queue behind many other people with the same idea who wanted new homes in their neighbourhoods , but it has definitely been worth it .
24 The interesting thing has been that each time we have revised the strategy we have been partially right , but it has only been as a result of a whole series of revisits , reorganizations and reassessments , as well as changing people , perspectives and systems , that we seem to have got enough right to be able to fight our corner .
25 I have explained to the hon. Gentleman why the funding for the Housing Executive is not as easy this year as it has perhaps been in former years .
26 Since the knowledge required will be prescribed , the tendency will be ( as it has always been in teaching ) to present it in such a form as to be acceptable to the average child .
27 True , the black cows , apparently of no fixed abode , that used to saunter along the streets and back lanes , foraging and friendly , have gone , and Edmund MacKenzie has moved his shop to new premises , but otherwise Plockton today is as it has always been within my memory , and is best appreciated in the evenings when the day trippers have departed .
28 And from now on , he will be as fervently fanatical in his promulgation of Nazarean thought as he has hitherto been in trying to suppress it .
29 The grip of her revision is surprising , for it has long been in need of revision itself .
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