Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] had [been] [verb] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 As he entered the garden through the back.gate , Isobel got up from in front of a flower bed where she had been planting bulbs .
2 And she did admit that she had been skipping things , you know , and erm I hoped it would go on alright , that was a couple of months ago .
3 I have never known anyone work like it — and I discovered today that she had been writing articles for the Clarion Cry at midnight on top of everything else she did in the house .
4 That was until the day of his funeral , when his fancy woman , Alice Mulcahy , through gin-inspired sorrow , told her that they had been making plans to go to America .
5 Many programmers realized that they had been programming things that should never have been taught at all , or that should have been taught by some other method or combination of methods .
6 What proved to be the trouble was that they had been munching handfuls of powdered soap .
7 Although he had been writing letters for months he was still only a quarter of the way through the names beginning with ‘ A , .
8 A second and earlier poem Moliant Cadwallon ( ‘ In Praise of Cadwallon ’ ) , possibly by Cadwallon 's bard , Afan Ferddig , celebrates Cadwallon 's victorious progress against Eadwine ‘ the deceitful ’ after his return from Ireland , where he may have been in exile , though an alternative possibility is that he had been gathering reinforcements there .
9 It was , therefore , with a certain displeasure , that I received , one Friday evening , Nigel 's announcement that he had been sent details of a converted mill in Wales and we 'd better drive up the next morning to take a look at it .
10 Mr Reid said the matter came to light after a pupil informed a teacher that he had been offered drugs by the suspended boy .
11 But although ‘ Tuxy ’ Girdle may not have been a youthful Hooligan , it did emerge that he had been running whores and he received a substantial sentence of penal servitude for the assault on the man whom the gang had suspected of being a police spy .
12 To the end — or at least to his testimony in Poindexter 's trial , in 1990 — Reagan maintained he did not believe that he had been trading arms for hostages .
13 I felt my lip curl , and the inside of my mouth dry out and tighten as if I had been sucking lemons .
14 It was as if I had been expecting visitors .
15 Her ankle had been properly bandaged and she had been given pain-killers and ordered to keep off her foot as much as possible .
16 The explosion detached the separate wings as if they had been plucked feathers .
17 The cautions referred to had been given and he had been questioned months earlier on the first charges .
18 He had looked after his younger brothers and sister , he had made sure that she always had enough money , but she had been hearing things of late that had frightened her .
19 Andrew Walker was bound to have Veronica 's address and telephone number but a request for them , so soon after she had been asking questions about the woman 's husband , might well arouse his suspicions .
20 One day , after he had been having lessons for some time , his father was called away by the boss : there was a horse in the ditch : it had gone to sleep on the edge and had rolled upside down into the ditch and could n't get out .
21 Although quite a few had subsequently been dismissed , both Braithwaite and Colclough having had their spies in the Chartist ranks , men who had sung those Chartist hymns about freedom and justice the loudest as they had been memorizing names and faces to sell afterwards to Uriah and Ben .
22 Troops were called in ( as they had been to protect fueldumps ) .
23 He looked the way he looked when he had been telling jokes and there were no more jokes to tell .
24 I have been following with interest the Gardeners ' World programmes where Nigel Colborn had been designing a new garden , especially when he had been using plants for the shady corner .
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