Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] is [v-ing] [conj] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 The assumption is about what lies behind our saying of a man , when he comes out with the sounds , ‘ I 'm going to the bank ’ , that he is asserting that he is going to the bank , but our not saying this of the parrot .
2 For the purpose of answering the second part of the question he should state that he is assuming that he is wrong in his answer to the first .
3 Now the thing that seems to be the most interesting on the er face value of it , is er how it 's going to affect fuel consumption and transport , and he is saying that they 're considering whether further changes should be made in the taxation of er fuel and vehicles .
4 It may not sound much , but if it is raining and you are wet and tired , it becomes a big job .
5 Research has shown that we are normally not conscious that it takes place , but that we are uncomfortable if it is missing when we would expect it or present on inappropriate occasions — for example in a greeting from a complete stranger .
6 or even if he , even if he is doing that he 's not gon na , he 's not gon na
7 And if he is doing that I do n't think he 'll mind us going on there cos the other dogs that have started walking on there , do you know what I mean ?
8 We did n't definitely know that when we had the meeting , but he is coming and I will write to him when he arrives in the country .
9 Pope also confirmed that Miller was widely read in high circles because when staying in Bath in 1743 , he wrote to the Earl of Marchmont about a meeting there with Lord Chesterfield who had told him that ‘ your Lordship is got a-head of all the Gardening Lords and that you have distanc 'd Lord Burlington and Lord Cobham in the true scientific parts , but he is studying before you and has here lying before him those Thesarurus 's from which he affirms you draw all knowledge , Miller 's Dictionaries . ’
10 Yes erm but it is begging and it is it is pagan .
11 The reduction in the intensity of the stimuli associated with the drive is as reinforcing as the actual reduction of the drive itself : thus food in the mouth does not reduce hunger , but it is reinforcing as it reduces the drive stimulus or craving for food .
12 Do not disturb a caterpillar while it is moulting or it will not be able to complete the process properly and may die .
13 So long as yu is living an yu want eat food
14 I notice the difference on those occasions when it is raining and I wear a hat .
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