Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] is [verb] [conj] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 The Museo Correr 's own permanent collection of Canova is displayed in the last of the series of rooms , the ballroom , where it is hoped that it can remain on permanent show .
2 Where it is determined that it is appropriate to report shares issued by subsidiaries in consolidated financial statements within minority interests rather than as a liability , it is necessary to determine whether they represent an equity or a non-equity interest .
3 The Group operated primarily in [ location ] where it is estimated that it holds a 16% share of the replacement window market , above that of any competitor .
4 Where it is forgotten that we have been forgiven , little love is shown .
5 But receptivity to new ideas is best achieved in organizations which have mutuality of trust where it is known that you will not be too harshly blamed for mistakes .
6 Consequently , it is suggested that land cultivation grants in the LFA remain withdrawn and that drainage grants are reduced to 30% under both AHDS and AHGS schemes in the LFA except in the proposed Marginal Zone ( the least handicapped Article 3(4) LFA land ) where it is recommended that they revert to the level obtaining outside the LFA ( 22 ½%),; reflecting the increased financial benefit likely to accrue from drainage schemes on such lower elevation , least handicapped land .
7 This problem has been reduced now that schools are required to make some attempt at formulating longer-term school development plans , although it is accepted that they will act as flexible guidelines .
8 The headhunting phenomenon of moving teams gained itself a bad name , and it is clear that such a practice is still scorned by many of the most reputable executive search firms and by many companies too , although it is accepted that it happened comparatively rarely .
9 The date and place of his birth , and the early years of his Bohemian adult life , remain obscure , although it is known that he worked as an actor in England and travelled widely on the Continent .
10 The danger of adopting a systems approach uncritically is that it is assumed that it is sufficient to identify system structures and to portray the multitudinous variables involved in a particular system which then reinforces the first law of ecology as graphically described by Commoner ( 1972 ) that everything is connected to everything else .
11 The rules for the cameras in committees are essentially the same as in the House , except that it is recognised that it is not possible to exclude shots showing the public , especially those sitting behind the witnesses in a select committee .
12 He then sends an inspector to our museum and it is upon this inspector 's report that it is decided whether we are successful in our application .
13 It is not , in my judgment , a valid objection to the S.I.B . 's pleaded case that these defendants have not themselves received any of the money of the investors that it is proposed that they should be ordered to repay .
14 It is sanctioned to the extent that it is allowed and it is sanctioned to the extent that it is penalized .
15 The assumption is about what lies behind our saying of a man , when he comes out with the sounds , ‘ I 'm going to the bank ’ , that he is asserting that he is going to the bank , but our not saying this of the parrot .
16 For the purpose of answering the second part of the question he should state that he is assuming that he is wrong in his answer to the first .
17 Like most LIFESPAN activities , CREFDL will inform you of its progress as it works , so it is recommended that you run it from a hard copy terminal , or log the session to a file .
18 ( So it is recommended that you get into the habit of running VALIDATE at least as frequently as your tape re-use cycle ! )
19 7.1 Once it is acknowledged that it has to respond to the problem of its employees experiencing violence and aggressive behaviour in the course of their work , it is of vital importance to initiate a formal reporting process .
20 The chiefs renege on the deal and she is stabbed as she tries to entice Odoff herself .
21 Helping an elderly woman to adjust and to find a new identity is never easy , but it can nearly always be achieved if she is shown that she is still loved and needed , by her family and friends .
22 Now the thing that seems to be the most interesting on the er face value of it , is er how it 's going to affect fuel consumption and transport , and he is saying that they 're considering whether further changes should be made in the taxation of er fuel and vehicles .
23 The description is a valid one provided it is remembered that he does not build on special or peculiar ‘ religious experiences ’ of a mystical or emotional kind .
24 The extent to which these problems will be tolerated , and the measures adopted for dealing with them , will vary from school to school , and it is accepted that it would be impossible to lay down precise rules about the steps to be taken .
25 Your Board is confident that the plan for restructuring the Group will result in a more streamlined , flexible and dynamic organisation and it is intended that it be carried through as fast as possible .
26 The McGuires had another son and daughter , Hugh and Jacobina , but little is known of them and it is presumed that they both died young .
27 They are known as the five ancestors , and it is hinted that they were the original founders of the present-day Triad secret societies .
28 While Labour seeks to simply snatch the language of one nation from the Tories , the danger here can only grow and it is compounded because it is by no means clear how far a reconstituted and emphatically ‘ un-loony ’ socialism may go in negotiating its own language of toughness on immigration and nationality , even perhaps on humane socialist repatriation . [ … ]
29 They modernised the mill and it is believed that it became the first in Britain to make paper from wood , ie : the first Natron-cellulose pulp mill in Europe .
30 A comparison of the type of A. grandisquama and A. iris does not reveal any distinguishing characters and it is concluded that they are conspecific .
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