Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] might have be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In Miss Weeton 's Journal of a Governess , she writes on 15th September 1810 : ‘ I would have introduced you to Mr. Green , who keeps an exhibition of drawings ( all his own ) in that village where you might have been amused for two or three hours-for he has a great number , two rooms being kept open for the purpose .
2 and then while he was upstairs seeing and helping his wife , then the the stove blew up downstairs , now that might have been the house saving from a real disaster whilst attacking his wife in a minor way , or it might have been pure coincidence .
3 I know what kind of an ordeal you 've had tonight , and , although I might have been willing to tease you before to take your mind off it and give you something else to think about , I do n't intend to ravish you to complete the treatment ! ’
4 Would n't speak to me for six months , but then his natural goodness of heart , as well perhaps as his gradual realization that I might have been right , that perhaps I had saved him from a fate worse than death , made it impossible for him to keep it up .
5 I was duly slapped down by my more knowledgeable tectonic seniors , and tried to forget the brief publication in question , but later work has now led me to suspect that I might have been right after all .
6 I knew now that I might have been foolish to have expected so much from Waite , but he had been the only person who 'd been willing to treat both kidnappers and hostages as human beings and to attempt some kind of understanding about how the situation could be resolved .
7 Although she might have been wise to add that even the life of a Television Presenter 2nd Class is a doddle compared to packing frozen peas , doing a 12-hour nursing shift in an understaffed hospital ward or for that matter being married to David Mellor .
8 It is understood that Mr Major wanted her to be prisons minister , and there was speculation last night that she might have been reluctant to be back in harness with Mr Kenneth Clarke , the Home Secretary , who was her boss at the Health Department during the eggs affair .
9 This publications audit will often turn up other interesting facts that you might have been unaware of like two departments doing exactly the same thing through different outside agencies or short runs being hammered out on page printers when they could have been more effectively produced on a photocopier or by a print shop .
10 The fact that you might have been able to get it yourself is only relevant if you can not afford to buy it .
11 They stared at one another , and as her mama had so often said , and thought again as she watched them , they were so alike in every way except their sex that they might have been two sides of the same coin .
12 What remains is regret , a persistent idea that they might have been happy in the homeplace , if only they could have survived there .
13 Although it might have been possible to attempt some form of categorisation of the types of detail which were recalled at different risk levels , it is not clear that the data from this study are really powerful enough to support such an analysis .
14 As de Lattre presented his case , his plan to construct 1200 bunkers of the Siegfried Line-type ( one wonders why its French counterpart was not mentioned instead ) was to provide against future Chinese attacks but , on the assumption that the Chinese might be deterred , French success seemed to be simply a matter of US munitions and confidence and , although it might have been misleading as a performance indicator , at the end of his visit to the Pentagon de Lattre was rewarded with Defense Secretary Lovett 's assertion that General de Lattre was regarded as a comrade in arms and that the US would do everything they could for him that was within their capabilities .
15 I conceded that it might have been wiser , and indeed more seemly , to have consulted her before a decision was reached ; but I did not add that I had advised the Prime Minister to agree to a meeting over her head because I was convinced that she would never accept a challenge to her authority .
16 The architect owner admits that it might have been better to regard the converted building primarily as a house and to order priorities for the location and constructional ‘ envelopes ’ of rooms accordingly .
17 She had been instrumental in putting him in touch with Liza although , as things had turned out , he could not help thinking that it might have been better if he had never bumped into her that day in Piccadilly .
18 AS the Chancellor prepares for his budget next month and contemplates the unenviable situation in which he finds himself , he might be excused for thinking that it might have been better to move last September .
19 AS the Chancellor prepares for his budget next month and contemplates the unenviable situation in which he finds himself , he might be excused for thinking that it might have been better to move last September .
20 The implication for Israel and the international community was that it might have been easier to transact a deal with the PLO before the Uprising than after it .
21 She was , as Clara had discovered at an early age , colossally inconsistent ; and sometimes Clara thought that it might have been easier to live with a true religious fanatic , whose fads and fancies would be at least predictable and well-marshalled , with the backing of some kind of external authority , from which there could be some appeal .
22 In a fifth , B antigen was expressed strongly in the descending colon , but only weakly in the splenic flexure and the sigmoid colon which suggests that it might have been artefactual .
23 But it seems to be a lot less than it might have been last year , I mean I , do we know how many that 's , we 're talking about ?
24 This business of him going missing … ’ began the Brigadier , ‘ It 's possible that he might have been involved in something big .
25 I suppose some people might have but I think I did n't really want to face up to the fact that he might have been that man on the beach . ’
26 And I accept that he might have been upset but there are no polemics , so why destroy a great victory ?
27 I thank Mr Reckord for now admitting that he might have been insensitive in his remarks .
28 But on the whole the bundles of blanket and piled clothing in the beds did not seem alive at all and I might have been alone in the block .
29 ‘ If we 'd known , my father and I might have been able to help him !
30 And she might have been able to deal with the situation — might , indeed , have been able to suppress and finally bury such an errant emotion — if it were n't for her present situation .
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