Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] still [vb past] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Rincewind relaxed slightly , which was to say that he still made a violin string look like a bowl of jelly .
2 It seemed to me that it was not only natural but positive : it demonstrated that he still had a relationship with God .
3 A shopkeeper in Nuremberg who said to a customer what ‘ in these days was common to almost everybody in Nuremberg ’ , that Hitler was set on continuing the war , tried to deceive the people into thinking that he still had a miracle weapon , and was ‘ nothing more than a criminal ’ , was denounced by the customer , taken away by the police , and shot for ‘ subversion of the military power ’ .
4 But he said afterwards that he still had a lot to learn about driving an Indycar .
5 Some children become institutionalised more quickly than others , and she still had a bit of fire left in her when I went to the orphanage for her .
6 Drachenfels left her dressed in some revealing clothing ( revealing if she still had a body , that is ) to top the effect off .
7 This technique produced a great deal of interesting material , but I still felt a need to achieve more insight into the language behaviour of my informants — especially outside school .
8 Chorus numbers were sung in full , and the Hoflin girl 's little solo in Act Two was performed from beginning to end , but Ingrid , who was singing Lisa — not such a heavy role , but she still had a couple of solos — was resting her voice again , and the rest just walked and hummed their roles .
9 Our pit was n't going to be big , but we still used a pier as a precautionary measure .
10 But we still did a lot of sport and work on the assault course , which was a set of twenty-four gut-wrenching obstacles set on the edge of the camp .
11 I thought coming forward Leeds played brill on saturday but they still looked a bit lazy and complacent at the back ( esp .
12 They fitted but they still looked a bit baggy .
13 County were battered and bruised , but they still had a bit of bounce left and came back with a goal from Dean Thomas which sent Nicky Hammond the wrong way , only because it took a deflection .
14 Polly had total faith in Nathan 's seamanship , but they still had a lot of ocean to cross , and the radio was a source of vital information regarding sea and weather conditions .
15 But they still had a lot of ground to make up .
16 His face was different , almost human , but he still had a shark 's mouth .
17 ‘ I 'm thankful , ’ he says , ‘ that I cam to my senses as early in my life as I did — while I still had a career . ’
18 While he still had a chance of being near Maisie , he would take it .
19 Cautious and practical , he took one look at the situation and advised Vincent to get out at once , while he still had a shirt on his back .
20 And she closed one eye in a grotesque wink , leaving Sally-Anne to guess what the bit of all right was — a visit to a music hall or a theatre , she assumed — wrongly , for she still had a lot to learn about the ways of the aliens among whom she lived .
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