Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] can [not/n't] be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 I 've reached a stage where I ca n't be bothered with a lot of these guys , but if I rule out the ones who take drugs from my circle of friends I will be left with literally no one to socialise with .
2 You 'd go for somewhere where you ca n't be seen .
3 If your child is over 16 , he or she can not be tested for HIV without his or her permission .
4 As I write , I make assumptions about what my reader already knows about language and language learning , about the common ground of knowledge , and what he or she can not be expected to know since it concerns the idiosyncrasies of my own view of these matters .
5 There was , too , the how-dun-it , the book in which it soon becomes evident who the murderer is but in which he or she can not be brought to satisfying justice unless some ingenious , proof-defying method used is brought to light .
6 And the lights — you guessed it — sit high on anorexic columns where they ca n't be stoned .
7 If you are using these , keep them where they ca n't be tampered with .
8 Any complex subjects which are not present in the scheme must be placed in a more general category where they can not be distinguished from other subjects .
9 PI : Locks Warranty : In addition to withdrawing keys from locks , the keys must now also be placed where they can not be seen by a would be thief .
10 keys are withdrawn from the locks fitted to the Home and placed where they can not be seen by anyone intent on making an unauthorised entry
11 keys are withdrawn from the locks fitted to the Home and placed where they can not be seen by anyone intent on making an unauthorised entry
12 Finding the optimum location is largely a matter of trial and error , but aim to place them where they can not be seen upside-down ( i.e. , with the top end facing a wall ) , or use them as wall-hangings .
13 Consideration of particle emission from black holes would seem to suggest that God not only plays dice but also sometimes throws them where they can not be seen .
14 The surgeon is wearing a funnel on his head , the woman a book on hers , where they can not be used , and the monk looks on with indifference .
15 Where there are no witnesses or they can not be traced , an admission by the defendant either verbally to the officer dealing with the case ( who would record the admission in his pocket book or accident booklet ) or in writing if he chooses to make a ‘ voluntary ’ statement in accordance with the Codes of Practice .
16 ‘ That 's because he enters by the old tower door and sits at the back , where he ca n't be seen , ’ she replied eagerly .
17 So it is not only the visible and active exercise of power that needs to be equalized , but also the possession of power , which , where it can not be redistributed , must at least be made accountable within the framework of democracy .
18 There can be no doubt that this sort of help is most valuable for teachers , and where it can not be provided from a curriculum development project itself might in less ambitious form be offered from a teachers ' centre or from a schools library service , although in the latter case the advice on sub-themes and topics would necessarily be tentative rather than prescriptive .
19 When an old person becomes so demented that she or he can not be contained in an old people 's home the choice is between a private nursing home costing about £400 a week or a free bed in the NHS .
20 It does n't mean that I ca n't be transmogrified beyond the human to another plane to find the Real Me ! ’
21 But that does n't mean to say that I ca n't be absolved of that .
22 It 's the thought of shampooing it that I ca n't be bothered about .
23 My ambition is to have a different look each day so that I ca n't be labelled . ’
24 Believe me , to conclude , tho' I have no business head , for large & lengthy affairs , I am keen enough in figures & small matters , & always was ; so that I can not be disputed .
25 ‘ I 'd go back , to Europe , because I know that I can not be traced . ’
26 Although you can not be forced to accept a variation in the agreement , your job may be at risk if you stand on your rights .
27 Her mother has been told that she can not be cured in this country , so with family and friends she 's launched an appeal to try to raise thousands of pounds to take Natalie to the Hoxey Clinic in Mexico City for specialist herbal treatment .
28 It seems impossible to me that she can not be brought back to life , that such a person can not be brought back to normal life .
29 A good receptionist must develop a telephone personality — remembering that you can not be seen , only heard .
30 How could you show that this was not because chocolate bars , sweets , etc. , are more likely to be eaten since your depression means that you can not be bothered to cook a proper meal ?
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