Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] have be give [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ But South Africa are a much better team than they 've been given credit for , and they are getting better with every match .
2 A Thai Army official admitted on Jan. 2 , 1990 , that Myanma soldiers had crossed the Moei river but denied that they had been given permission to do so .
3 Some have suffered symptoms so severe that they have been given medication by their doctor .
4 It was reported on June 17 that he had been given responsibility for local government , while other responsibilities were redistributed between deputy premiers .
5 Gloucester opened negotiations with the dowager almost immediately , apparently claiming that he had been given custody of her and her land by the king , and by January 1473 the countess and her feoffees had agreed to make an estate to Gloucester in all the dower lands .
6 Gloucester opened negotiations with the dowager almost immediately , apparently claiming that he had been given custody of her and her land by the king , and by January 1473 the countess and her feoffees had agreed to make an estate to Gloucester in all the dower lands .
7 Well , he was more interested than he has been given credit for , and he had a wonderful collection of eighteenth-century English books which he gave to Trinity College , Cambridge .
8 I asked him how long he had been with the Republicans and he said , ‘ Three weeks — I 'm a sales manager and I 've been given leave of absence by my company just to produce last night 's rally . ’
9 I 've often puzzled over whether , if I 'd been given guidance , would I have chosen differently ?
10 I feel as if I 've been given knock-out drops .
11 They erm they tend to perhaps have a different attitude if they 've been given company shares , because they 're handled shares er fairly regularly , and that 's a different matter , erm I mean erm are there many people here who have privatized issues ?
12 I do n't know if Craig has told you , but I 've been given authority to extend our maintenance contract with you for a further year , without going to tender .
13 When Salomea tried to find another job , she was turned down because she had been given notice from her previous employment .
14 The officers made much of us children : the Marine band played on deck and the captain fired off one of the guns , after we had been given cotton wool to stuff in our ears .
15 She had been almost unnaturally brave for so long , and now it was as though she had been given licence to cry over everything .
16 Nurse though she was , and even though she had been giving blood fairly regularly for several years now , Belinda never liked to watch the bag fill , so she managed to hold a magazine in her left hand .
17 The costs and risks involved indicated that it would have been very difficult to convince investors to invest in the generating company National Power if it had been responsible for the nuclear power stations , even though it had been given control of the majority of the generating capacity in order to compensate for this .
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