Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] have give [pers pn] the " in BNC.

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1 She did n't realise that she 'd given me the greatest gift of all .
2 ‘ What matters is that she has given us the most glorious production we have ever had at Hochhauser .
3 Did I say that she 's given me the diary ? ’
4 It 's a compliment in itself that they 've given me the chance … ’
5 It 's going through that system , and once they 've given us the go ahead then we can go to the solicitor in Lancaster .
6 Not a medium so he 's given him the small so he 's thinking if if it does n't fit he 's still made the sale .
7 She approved of my taste and I 'd given her the right amount of money for the red coat which I st ill have n't worn .
8 ‘ I seem to remember that he never stopped talking and I had given him the cold fish eye . ’
9 Erm now if I 'd given you the same thing and you 'd
10 And you 've given me the impression you wanted to see me , too . ’
11 At this point the GP had felt that she could no longer help him , and she had given him the number of a marital counsellor .
12 ‘ And , if you 'd given me the chance to finish , you would also have heard me specify ‘ for the general collection ’ .
13 It would n't have surprised me if you 'd given me the boot there and then .
14 It 's too easy , I think , to assume that women are n't aggressive and are sensitive and men are more aggressive and less sensitive because that 's the way society has wanted them to be in the past and children have grown up and lived up to those stereotypes , so I do n't think we can actually say yet that women can offer anything distinctive until we 've given them the chance to be themselves really .
15 But next to the Dance Hall if we 'd given them the licence to ha turn the cinema into a Dance Hall , there was this little old boy who lived just the other side of the road , in an old cottage , and he was over eighty .
16 Perhaps he thought that , and he 'd given me the slip .
17 They says , right , he says , I 've got a I 've got a problem with alcohol and he 's given us the valium to get us off the alcohol .
18 God placed the enforcing of Satan 's defeat in the hands of His servants and He has given them the authority .
19 ‘ As far as Frank is concerned , he is entirely satisfied with what I am doing and he has given me the space to get on with it .
20 Anna had explained , and it had given her the opportunity to describe details her daughter found miraculous .
21 He had held on to her hand as her flight was called , and it had given her the way out without tears .
22 If he had given me the £5000 , under the rules at the time I would have had to donate 15 per cent to the British Board — totally unfair in my view as I had had to find the sponsorship myself .
23 Because he 's given me the greatest gift of friendship .
24 And she went away and produced that document after we 'd given her the brief .
25 But it was after he 'd given her the ring that the cracks had begun to appear in her façade .
26 He is merely expressing a suspicion , and in a sense a hope ( ‘ when she has given him the clap , then he 'll come back to me ’ , to modernize it somewhat ) .
27 When he had given her the keys and the egg , and had left her , she first put the egg away with great care , and then examined the house , and at last went into the forbidden room .
28 Staring blankly at the rubble , all that remained of the cottage , she tried to remember the exact words Leo had used when he 'd given her the cheque .
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