Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] have [verb] from [det] " in BNC.

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1 People would stop in the street asking how we were and where we had come from all in perfect English .
2 The advice that I have received from those who understand the issue better than I is that it will drive many small convenience stores out of business .
3 I can count the number of trout that I have taken from this lovely loch on the fingers of one hand and blank days are the rule , but I keep going back for more .
4 Information about day to day life in Islay at that time is scarce so I have selected from those columns a variety of interesting occurrences .
5 ‘ I 'm looking for someone , ’ he said , trusting her ; knowing that she had acted from more than self-interest .
6 It is therefore difficult to convince a farm worker 's wife , who may have to walk two miles down a muddy lane in the pouring rain to catch the Mondays and Thursdays only ( except Bank Holidays ) under-threat-of-closure bus to do her weekly shopping , that she has benefited from any improvement in the provision of rural amenities , when her access to them is increasingly denied .
7 Father , you know that we have many links with your people in other lands through those that you have called from this congregation to serve you overseas .
8 So all the rhetoric that we 've had from this government about better performance N H S , more people being seen by the N H S , that must be read against the fact that over a million people are , or a million patients , are er waiting on N H S waiting lists .
9 That 's not a problem that I can actually deal with er but Wales certainly er you know takes the sort of interest in Europe that we have seen from most of the Conservative speakers er in trying to sum up this debate you have to refer to them er of not being able to show , there 's a definite sort of anti European theme coming through from most of the speakers from the back benches who 've chosen to take part in this debate tonight from the other side and it 's difficulty to avoid summing up the debate without some reference to the points that they have made which is in complete contrast to the attitude that we have erm in Wales er towards Europe and that we are .
10 The conclusion that we have drawn from these observations , which is supported by independent experimental evidence to be discussed below , is that although people expect ellipses to take their meanings from the preceding text , they do not derive that meaning solely from a representation of the superficial features of the preceding text .
11 Cost , not quality , ideology not competence , delivery for profit rather than service for people — those are the slogans that we have had from this regime .
12 They were once found almost everywhere in Britain , but pollution of our rivers and the destruction of the otter 's natural habitat has meant that they 've disappeared from many parts .
13 The purpose of an audit should be defined as being ‘ to provide an independent opinion to those with an interest in a company that they have received from those responsible for its direction and management an adequate account of : the proper conduct of the company 's affairs ; the company 's financial performance and position ; future risks attaching to the company . ’
14 Is my hon. Friend aware that my constituency is extremely attractive geographically for countries making inward investment in Britain and that it has prospered from such inward investment ?
15 And now that he 'd escaped from that awful prison , come he would , she knew that as certainly as she knew daylight would follow darkness .
16 David has become very philsophical about it and I have to learn from that .
17 Right , but let's say that you 're not prepared to pop back , let's say that you 're sitting there and you 've got from that point , you want , you no want to go to the house , right , now you 're not you 're not gon na treat as a twenty minute call back , let's kill that for a minute
18 Manager Billy Sinclair said : ‘ We would have got into the match better if we 'd scored from that penalty .
19 They 're standard army ammunition , but not necessarily issued to the British Army — again , the Ministry of Defence should be able to tell you if they 've come from some British Army depot or not .
20 If they had come from any other man or woman in the kingdom of Scotland , they would have been considered treasonable ; writing to her brother Henry , Margaret made constant pleas for the English to send troops into Scotland to restore her as Regent and crush any opposition to her and the Earl of Angus .
21 It is one-trial , because it requires only a single peck for the bird to learn ; it is avoidance because the result of the learning is for the bird to stop doing something it otherwise would ; and it is passive because the bird is not required actively to avoid , as it would if it had to escape from some unpleasant condition , but merely to refrain from pecking .
22 He all but bumped into the couple , but , just in time , he arrested his progress , drew back , seemed , for an instant , to seek for oxygen as if he had emerged from some physical deep of ocean , looked about him at the mundane world he had re-entered and then , with rapid dignity , collected himself .
23 Despite the casual modern clothes he wore , he looked as if he 'd stepped from some early-Renaissance painting .
24 Now that was certainly the views of the President of the Board of Trade before er he er returned to the cabinet er at another time and I 'm not sure if he 's departed from these views but I think they 're worthy of some weight .
25 They all seek declarations to the following effect : ( a ) that as a matter of law in the case of a prisoner serving a mandatory life sentence the Secretary of State is required to set a period for retribution and deterrence which does not exceed the tariff recommended by the judiciary ; ( b ) that the Secretary of State is required by law to tell the prisoner what period the judiciary have recommended , and the reasons for that recommendation , and also if he has departed from that recommendation to tell the prisoner his reason for doing so ; ( c ) that the prisoner is entitled to be given the opportunity to make representations to the Secretary of State before the tariff is set , and for this purpose to be told of any information upon which the Secretary of State will make his decision which is not in his , the prisoner 's , possession .
26 While this makes it easier for the acoustic-phonetic component to guarantee the inclusion of the target phoneme , the task of the syntax/semantic component is made considerably more difficult since it has to choose from many more word candidates .
27 You must be content , therefore , with such a general description as I have received from some of the eunuchs .
28 ‘ Kitty from Cork ’ sang as good a rendering ‘ Bless 'em all , ’ as she struggled with her shyness , as I have heard from some professionals .
29 Perhaps , when she had recovered from this encounter , he could suggest that they become engaged , albeit in an unacknowledged fashion as he could not afford a ring worthy of her .
30 They 'll be back when we 've recovered from this one ( unless , of course , there 's another election in May . )
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